Game 6 Signup

Finally...the half way point of the season. Seemed to take a long time with all the delays we've had, but here it is.

Hoping for a good turnout the rest of the season.

Who's In??

1 - AJ
2 - Keith
3 - Darryl
4 - Anthony
5 - Allan
6 - Kris
7 - Lynx
8 - Steve
9 - Chris
10 -


  • Hell, I dropped to fourth, I have to play . . .
  • I'll give it another try
  • im new to this is that ok?

    if so


    I have read the rules and the question I have is are obligated to play ever week for the 12 weeks or just whenever you feel like saying In... on the forums?

    I also need to know where it is @ pm me please.

    I'm coming from Mississauga. :)
  • You're only obligated to come out if you say you're coming out. Oh, and if you win one week, you're obligated to bring the snacks the following week. You don't have to play every week.

    I'll PM you the address. If you don't have PM privileges yet, let me know.

    Welcome to The Hill!!
  • Post count falls below the min 25 for PM privileges.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Post count falls below the min 25 for PM privileges.

    And his email addy isn't in his profile. Oh well, hopefully he notices and provides me with his address soon.
  • In......???
  • And El? or just you?

    Lots of room left...second table can be made available.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    And El? or just you?

    Lots of room left...second table can be made available.

    Just baby sitter tonight
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Just baby sitter tonight

    Baby sitting services ARE available at location...reasonably priced, experienced, and willing to change those nasty diapers as required.

    Just letting you know.
  • babysitting supplied courtesy Ally. i'm usually out before too long these days so I'll have plenty of time to change diapers and all.

    I'm coming pre-steamed today boys, just letting you know.
  • Not sure if ill be able to make it there guys tonight ..

    so if I dont show dont be surprised that im not there, just remove my chips , don't worry didn't get lost or anything.

    just something has come up beyond my control .
  • Lynx did you GET my PM to you? I haven't heard either way.
  • It had to take a big hand to finish the night with Chris and Darryl, and it finally came. Chris limps in the SB with 1010 setting a trap for Darryl. Darryl raises large, and Chris goes allin...Darryl instacalls with JJ. Board doesn't improve anyone and Darryl walks away with first place tonight.

    Kris took down third and I was once again Chump...I'm REALLY starting to hate 66...especially when OTHERS HAVE IT!!

    Good game tonight all...hope to see you all out again next week.
  • Runner Runner flushes like I stacked the deck.
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