Guelph Thursday (March 12)

Hey Ya'll, we're running again. Last week had a great turn out and a wicked cash game! Hopefully we'll see similar numbers this week.

I can run either tourney or strictly cash game...but last time people wanted a tourney.

the tourney will be 20 bucks with a 5 dollar bounty. 20 min blinds, 7000 in chips and blinds starting at 50/100.

cash game will be .25/.50 n/l but nowhere near as rich as the tuesday cash game. go there to make your millions...come to my place to chill out with good people!

1. Mark
2. Smits
3. Haren
4. timmeh
5. Adam
6. Smits' friend
7. Aj
8. Jen


  • lol.. thanks for the support and i look forward to meeting you guys all thursday

  • Count me in for either/both. See y'all Thurs.
  • in with probably +2 guests :D
  • i'm on it like white on rice!
  • I am probably not going to make it this week.

  • This game is looking good for tomorrow..just sayin'!
    we'll see everyone tomorrow night!
    Also, i haven't heard from jen and crew....what say you?
  • Aj and I are in for a tournee only..we lose too much in the cash game sorry. We'll see you tonight! Chris is not coming.
  • that's cool...we'll do a similar thing to last week (tourney then cash game) if you dont want to play, you dont have to!

    see everyone tonight!
  • I am in this week.
  • There was posting for this Thursday (19th) earlier in the week, but it seems to have disappeared...
    Mark, can you confirm if you are hosting this week?
    Hope to see everyone:)
  • yeah, i was just looking at weird...but yes, we are on for tomorrow
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