Blue Water Classic - rake-free CASINO satellites!

Blue Water Classic VII will be on March 25-29 with a prize pool of almost $200,000. Both OLG Casinos Point Edward and Brantford are holding satellites with a negative rake! The ten-player satellites are $65 each, with the winner getting a coin worth the $660 entry to the main event. So even for an average player, it will be +EV to play as many satellites as possible due to the overlay.

If any other forumer goes to the Brantford tournaments, including Monday's $125+$15 BOUNTY tournament, be sure to sign up for the satellite during the tournament. Hopefully, there will be enough sign-ups for the poker pit to schedule a dealer and have the first satellite.

There will be a multi-table satellite at Point Edward on Tuesday, March 24 at 6 PM. I will be carpooling with a guy who won a second place prize at the last Blue Water Classic. Our plan is to leave in the morning to first go to Caesars Windsor, then play the satellite. We also plan to drive back to Casino Brantford on March 26 for the $100 tournament.

We will be staying at the same lucky motel as last time with another forumer and a previous Points Champion, as all of us all cashed last time. The CAA rate is $80 + tax, which is cheaper than

Point Edward also has a multi-table rebuy satellite every Tuesday and $150+$15 tournament every Saturday night, which has a better Patience Factor than Brantford's $200 tournaments. I found out that a couple of friends carpool there every Saturday, so I plan to join them.


  • You sure the sats aren't 11 handed, would be more standard.
  • How often are satellites going at Brantford? Might be worth a trip sometime soon.
  • Is the multi table satellite on the 24th a freezeout or rebuy. What is the buy in for it?
  • I've played in the tues night re-buy tourney (running every tues since early december I think) which gives out coins and the cost is not condusive to proper loooooose re-buy play.

    What you win = coin with a face value of $660

    enter = $60
    re buy = $60
    add on = $60

    So, if you re-buy just once and do an add on, you shall spend almost 25% of the cost of a straight purchase. This is too much.

    The prevailing basic strategy of this tournament is tight play as everyone is trying to not re-buy because of cost or cheapness, you decide.

    They have given away 10+ coins each of the last few tuesdays but I think the action would be far better if the cost went something like

    buy in = $50
    re buy = $20 or $25
    add on = $50

    Regardless, there are only 240 total seats available so the event is going to sell out.

    Pre-main event tournaments include a $150 slated for wednesday, which is already filled but has a running wait list and a $300 on thursday, which is over half filled.

    If you want to purchase with your credit card, there is a 1.888.394.6244 number.

    During the week of the tourney, they'll have 1/2 max bet $100 ($100 buy in), 5/10 and 10/20 and probably 20/40 limit side action games.

    IMO play, overall, is softer than port perry or brantford.

    edit: don't count on brantford running even one satelite for the point edward tourney. The room is jumping again and they just don't care about tourney's in general let alone turning a cash game into a satelite table to help another casino.
  • jacktenoff wrote: »
    don't count on brantford running even one satelite for the point edward tourney.
    There has been a couple of the +EV satellites with an overlay at Brantford, including yesterday and Thursday. Unfortunately, there was nobody else from the forum that played today's bounty tournament, so there wasn't enough interest by the time I left after the final table.
    GTA Poker wrote: »
    You sure the sats aren't 11 handed, would be more standard.
    Most of the satellites I have played are 10-handed, including Brantford and Point Edward.
  • so who's playing what events?

    I am playing the main and starting on Saturday March 28th
  • My road trip is about to begin. I plan to play in all four events, along with the MTT satellite tonight, Caesars Windsor cash game today and Casino Brantford on Thursday. I finally made my first big online withdrawal, so what I taketh from the online poker community, I shall giveth back to the live poker economy this week. :D

    If any other forumers are playing, say hi and we'll organize an even better rake-free satellite at the casino or play a rake-free cash game at the hotel.
    SteveKerr wrote: »
    so who's playing what events?
  • I have a coin for friday night..anyone willing to trade for a sat coin? i will pay 100 to trade
  • Good Evening,

    If anyone has a coin to sell or knows someone who does(preferably for Friday but either will do), pm me here, BryceCoates on 2p2, or have them email me or even call me 519.639.3833....

    Much Apreciated,

  • Just like a forumer asked to buy a piece of me at the CPT Finals in the Dominican Republic, a different forumer asked to invest in me for this week's tournaments. I am happy to report to that forumer that in yesterday's sold-out tournament with $36,000 prize pool, I made it to the final table. :) I will try to post a trip report when I'm back home.

    Today and tomorrow's big tournaments are totally sold out too. I don't have a seat for Saturday, but if I find a local coin holder who is out of the points race and is willing to make the +EV choice to sell me their seat that includes a share of my winnings, then I will stay to play on Saturday. If I am unable to find a seat selling for face value or less, then my friend and I will just drive home early with what we have won so far from both Caesars Windsor and Point Edward.
  • BlondeFish wrote: »
    Just like a forumer asked to buy a piece of me at the CPT Finals in the Dominican Republic, a different forumer asked to invest in me for this week's tournaments. I am happy to report to that forumer that in yesterday's sold-out tournament with $36,000 prize pool, I made it to the final table. :) I will try to post a trip report when I'm back home.

    Today and tomorrow's big tournaments are totally sold out too. I don't have a seat for Saturday, but if I find a local coin holder who is out of the points race and is willing to make the +EV choice to sell me their seat that includes a share of my winnings, then I will stay to play on Saturday. If I am unable to find a seat selling for face value or less, then my friend and I will just drive home early with what we have won so far from both Caesars Windsor and Point Edward.

    Congrats on yesterdays final table!

    I'm looking forward to your trip report!
  • The entire week was sold out, with the $660 entry coins selling for as much as $1,200 on Saturday! :eek: I had already checked out of the motel expecting to drive home at noon if I couldn't find a coin for face value, but then I noticed that I was one position away from the points prize pool. With less than half an hour to go, I did a Jean-Robert Bellande of hustling/begging strangers in order to play in the tournament. It involved extra expenses including giving percentages, but the +EV calculated risk was all worth it for both me and the lucky forumer as I qualified for today's finals. "cheers:

    The final hand of the night is the most interesting hand I've ever had, where several players could have correctly folded AA preflop! I am currently in the top five for the points prize pool. There are 24 players in today's finals and the prize structure remains weird, where players who have played all week can still lose money even if they finish as high as 11th place. In fact, one has to make final table in today's event championship just to make more money than what I made from 7th place in the preliminary tournament!
  • GL Buddy can't wait to hear the report!!!!
  • So I am playing Fridays ($660) tourney and get there late as I am picking someone up from university. Luckily, the tournament started a few minutes late and I didn't miss a single hand.

    I sit down (not the last player to show at my table, peeples are late some times) and survey the field. A couple of familiar faces, loose and tight, and some not so familiar faces. One idiot who askes to see the losing hand when playing cash games and a 40ish guy on my imediate right (gomr), who has on $1.99 sun glasses and can't sit still.

    20 minutes in or so, internet kid raises from early position and gomr re-raises. Flop is ragged and rainbow and the internet kid bets out. gomr raises and internet kid ponders before calling. Turn is check bet call. River is check, big bet, thinking, thinking, thinking, fold and then the excitement begins.

    gomr yells "Ian, what do you think of that?" as gomr whips his cards (2-2) in the direction of internet kid, with one card ending up underneth internet kids chip stack and the other but an inch or two in front.

    Ian, the idiot who likes to ask to see losing hands, says nothing, the table doesn't make a sound (which is nothing new so far as the only person making noise is gomr) and the dealer reaches over and removes the 2's and begins shuffling, saying nothing.

    However, gomr's disrespect bothered me.

    After about 20 seconds and before the next deal even begins, I say to gomr "sir, if you bluff me please don't throw your cards at me".

    Plain, simple, no joke.

    He goes beserk!!

    "You're not in the hand so shut the up"

    "You're fu.cking crazy, mind your own business"

    "You're a fu.cking superstar coming to the tournament late"

    "You're a fu.cking pin head"

    blah, blah, blah. It went on for about 40 to 60 seconds before the TD finally showed up.

    Sadly, I verbally responded instead of just giving him a stiff elbow in the mouth.

    When the TD asked us what happened, I told him. Looking around, several of the players at the table nodded in agreement with me regarding the events.

    When gomr begins telling the TD his version, it begins with "You're a liar, I didn't throw my cards at him"

    Again, I wish I had just stood up and belted him many times (why hit just once when you are getting the same consequence regardless of how many blows rain down on gomr's noggin).

    Anyhow, the TD gives us a warning and walks away. With-in seconds, gomr is telling internet kid 'hey, sorry for throwing my cards at you'.

    At this point, I actually had to forcefully stop myself from smashing his face into the edge of the table.

    I'll take my lumps from you guys if I should have said nothing but it bothered me and I didn't want him throwing his cards at me. So, should I have kept quiet?

    As for the tournament, I made two very good reads. First one happened about 30 minutes after gomr's near beating experience.

    I was in BB. UTG limps for 100, next player makes it 400. The raiser had played exactly 1 hand since the beginning of the tourney so I know he has a monster. Late guy calls. I look down at AA. Think for a moment and figure I can flat and get a whole lot of chips in there if we see a pee pee flop. If the flop has paint, I'll tread carefully.

    Flop comes Q-10-8 rainbow and I check. UTG bets 1000 and I instantly think "if they call/fold, I am pumping this baby up" as UTG had just 3400 total to see the flop.

    Original raiser min raises to 2000 and I am 98% certain he hit a set. Late guy folds and before I can do anything, UTG goes all in for 3400. First instinct was a set for original raiser and now my tourney is on the line if I call so I trust myself as the two players have to open up.

    UTG: AQ
    UTG +1 : QQ

    yipee, good fold.

    Down to 3 tables and I have maybe 10,000 in chips. Older guy keeps limping, going all in on the flop and everyone folds. So, in my BB, he limps for 800 from late again, SB folds, I tap the felt with K-4 off.

    Flop is J-4-2, ss.

    I check.

    Old guy goes all in 7,500.

    If I call and lose, I'll have less than 2,000.

    My first instinct is call but I seldom act quickly.

    Too many times he limps, then all in = first strike

    When I look up, he is rigid = second strike

    After 20 or 30 seconds his chest is ponding = third strike

    I call and bust his ace high, receiving koodo's from several of the players on risking my stack with such a weak holding.

    Yipee, good call.

    I get busted when down to 2 tables but all I can think about on the ride home was 'why didn't I just bust gomr in the mouth'. I would have felt much better with my self-respect intact.
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