Kitchener Charity Tournament

I will be running a tournament on a Saturday in late April (date to be determined) in Kitchener to raise money for the Regional Cancer Centre as part of the KOOL FM Poster Boy Campaign. I will be donating proceeds from the tournament to the campaign. KOOL FM is not affiliated in any way to this tournament. They will simply be the recipients of the money I raise.

I will also be raffling off two brand new poker tables as well as other prizes on that night for those who purchase tickets for the draw. Once again the money raised will go to the Regional Cancer Centre.

The buy-in will be $25 and it will be a freeze out format. $20 will go to the pot and the other $5 will go to the charity. Further rules and information will be made available closer to the date of the tourny.

If you are interested in joining this tournament please email me at and I will put you on my email list to inform you of the tournament. I will also keep you updated when I run other tournaments or cash games. I will never give, sell or otherwise make your email address available to anyone.

Thank you in advance for your interest.


  • Hey Tommy, I am running my regular monthly tournament in Kitchener on Saturday April 25th in Kitchener. I hope you can pick your date so it does not conflict. I hate to compete with charity.
  • With my apologies to buzzzardd I have set the date for April 25th. My reasons for the date are to coincide KOOL FMs actual campaign. I am also donating a table to this worthy cause for their poker tournament. They will be running a $100 buy-in on Monday April 27th with 100% of the $$$ going to the Regional Cancer Centre. Their are 100 seats avaliable and the winner gets a trip anywere Westjet flies. Second place will be a 10 man racetrack poker table built by TG Poker Table Designs. Check out my website in the coming weeks for a link to their tournament.

    Anyway...back to my event. It will be held at 7:00 on Saturday April 25th (I'm hoping buzzzardds tourny will be in the afternoon so there won't be a major conflict). It is a $25 freeze out with $20 going to the pot and $5 going to charity. There will also be cash games after the event. I usually offer a 5 cent/10 cent game for the more recreational players and I also run a 25 cent/50 cent game for those who want a slightly bigger game. I don't have a lot of seats avaliable for the tournament. Last year I had 32 players and this year I am capping at 40 so PM me asap to get a spot. The event will be held at my home and I am in negotiations to have an on air personality on hand for a special draw.

    Draw Details: I am raffling off 2 poker tables and a $100 GC toward the purchase of a table. I will be building the poker tables and keeping only enough of the money collected to cover the cost of the materials to build the tables. Every penny of the remaining proceeds will go to the Regional Cancer Centre. Tickets are $10 and you do not have to attend the tournament to purchase a ticket or win any of the prizes. I live in the Ottawa/Fischer-Hallman area of Kitchener so if you'd like to buy a ticket to win a table please PM me and I'll give you directions to come by and purchase your tickets.

    Thanks for your support and I look forward to meeting many of you.
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