
So, some of you know that my wife was hit last summer while driving to work. Well, guess what? The scumbag who ran the red light to hit her is suing us for approx. $1,000,000.00. The list of his supposed injuries is lengthy, which is a surprise considering he walked out of the hospital under his own power about 5 hours before my wife did. And do not even get me started about his scumbag ambulance chasing douchebag of a lawyer. Best of all, this Brampton resident, who hit my wife on the Mississauga/Brampton border, is suing us in Newmarket, of all places.
Shakespeare was right.

Sorry folks, do not expect replies, but needed to get this off my chest while the wife is not looking . . .


  • Had a friend where the same thing happened. His insurance company's lawyers have taken over everything. Sucks that its happened to you, I like to believe in Karma and that the scumbag will get his eventually.
  • WTF... he hit your wife, and is now suing HER???? How is that possible?
  • Graham wrote: »
    WTF... he hit your wife, and is now suing HER???? How is that possible?

    +1 I don't understand?
  • Wife was making a left turn on the orange to clear the intersection. He was trying to beat the red-light. Auto-charge for the wife, which was withdrawn at trial. Witnesses backed the wife. Scumbag is looking to cash in. You're right Z, Insurance company lawyers will take care of it all. I've gone through this myself, when I was younger, but it is just a fucking pisser that he will probably cash in the low 5 figures over this.
    I hate this sort of crap, but it's enough to make me want to counter-sue the prick.
  • I agree that karma will come back to bite him in the ass.. the world has a funny way of working things out.
  • when you say 'he' I assume you mean his laywer.. The dude actually sueing won't get shit in a settlement or judgement.
  • Unless the plaintiff is a total idiot he'll net between 10 - 20% of any settlement.

    250k settlement = 25 - 50k for the plaintiff. IF he's not stupid . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    Unless the plaintiff is a total idiot he'll net between 10 - 20% of any settlement.

    250k settlement = 25 - 50k for the plaintiff. IF he's not stupid . . .

    IF he wins!

    I say countersuit is justified
  • Winning has little to do with it. It comes down to whatever is cheaper for the Insurance company, according to their lawyers. Wife may be 100% in the right but, if it's cheaper to settle, then that is what they'll do . . .
  • Is he suing for pain and suffering?

    If so lol @ him. Just went through this and had to settle for shitty amount just before trial.
  • Life is like a box of assholes.
  • The statement of claim is lengthy. Injuries, loss of mobility, therapy, etc. It's all pretty much "throw it at the wall, and see what sticks," legalese. As I said previously, this kid (mid-20's) walked out of the hospital several HOURS before my wife did, without any assistance. Now, he's suddenly (if the claim is to be believed) practically a vegetable, imprisoned in his own body, subject to a lifetime of agony and therapy. I have to stop this, because, if I don't, I'm going to call a lawyer myself, which I hate the idea of . . .

    Appreciate you folks letting me spout off . . .
  • Holy crap. We're going through the same sort of thing, in fact, we just completed the discovering process last month. My "idiot" is suing us for over 1M (beyond the limits of our policy) It's unfortunate, but there are lot of people out there looking for an easy pay day (especially in Brampton;)).

    I'll be fighting it tooth and nail. There's no way this guy is getting any of my hard earned money!

    Good luck to you.
  • MarcoGD wrote: »
    I'll be fighting it tooth and nail. There's no way this guy is getting any of my hard earned money!

    Good luck to you.

    And to you. But just one correction. It's not YOUR $$$ he's going after, it's your insurance company's. And if they think it will be cheaper to settle, then that is what will happen. Not sure if that applies when the amount is beyond your policy coverage, but I know from experience that that is how it works for your insurance.

    Think I'll be calling Cellino and Barnes tonight. Or William Mattar . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    And to you. But just one correction. It's not YOUR $$$ he's going after, it's your insurance company's. And if they think it will be cheaper to settle, then that is what will happen. Not sure if that applies when the amount is beyond your policy coverage, but I know from experience that that is how it works for your insurance.

    Think I'll be calling Cellino and Barnes tonight. Or William Mattar . . .

    The insurance company made it very clear to us that we are responsible for any amount over the 1M policy coverage, whether it's reached by judgement or settlement. Having said that, should a settlement be neccessary, the insurance company will do everything in its power to keep it under 1M.
  • Marco.. Will you have to retain your own lawyers as well? To protect your 'sub $million' judgement interests?
  • MarcoGD wrote: »
    The insurance company made it very clear to us that we are responsible for any amount over the 1M policy coverage, whether it's reached by judgement or settlement. Having said that, should a settlement be neccessary, the insurance company will do everything in its power to keep it under 1M.

    This is why I have 2M in liability.
    Doesn't cost a whole lot more
  • It's a possibilty. The Ins. Co. is waiting for some medical reports, depending what they find, they'll decide which way to pursue the case. If it goes to trial, Yes. If it's settled for less than the policy limits, No. But, if the insurance company decides that the claim is worth more than my policy allows (allbeit unlikely), Yes.
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    This is why I have 2M in liability.
    Doesn't cost a whole lot more

    Smart. Needless to say, I've since upped my coverage
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