Guelph Thursday (March 5)

i'm sick and tired of not running games! it sucks! So this week...we're having a game. if i have to hunt you down in brantford and drag you back here..we're having a game! :)
(congrats btw jen!).
seriously guys are makign me look bad...we had a new guy all signed up last week, and the week before and no game. what's up with that keith? i blame you personnally.

Question is cash game or tourney? we'll figure that out by the amount of people and what we feel like

a cash game will be .25/.50 with a live stradle, a tourney will be 20+5 with 7000 in chips and 20 min blinds starting at 50/100.

sign up below.

1. Mark
2. Jen
3. AJ
4. Chris
5. Timmeh
6. Adam
7. Smitts + +
8. Jimmy (tent)
9. Keith


  • Count me in for either cash game or tourney. Looking forward to seeing everyone.
  • Alrighty then! Chris, Aj and I are IN this week for a tournee! See you all Thursday.
  • it's all keith's fault. :)

    i'll be there.
  • i would be interested in either cash or the tourney...i also have a few guys that would be interested as well
  • Alright..dare i say it??? no. i wont jinx it! game starts at 7:30 (weather it's cash or tourney)..smitts..i'll send you a PM with my many more of you are there? (i have plenty of room, i'm just wondering)..?
  • this game is nearly 100 %..and i'm leaning toward a cash game format. I enjoy it more, and it leads to more play (and more money for adam and keith... :) )
    Hope to see everyone there! :)
  • Aj, Chris and I all want to play a tournament...Aj and Chris may not come if its just cash..I of course will be there regardless...let me know what it will be so I can tell them. Thanks
  • seriously? alright..well...hmm...okay, i'll make a final call on it ASAP....does anyone else care weather it's a cash or tourney?
  • lets just have a $5 tourny with 1000 stack.. same blinds as usual.. should take all of a half hour.

    that should satisfy them.. then we can get to the good stuff! :)

    i'm fine with either.. and i don't mind having a real tourny.
  • Alright you haters...if you want to hand over your cash so badly, I'll oblige you.

    I could use some pocket money.

  • hmm...i like the smiley like you didn't really mean it, but you did! :)
    Would that satisfy them jen? you think that they could handle a stripped down tourney and then cash game?
  • Gunna be out of town in Montreal (playing there) so I won't be able to make it Mark sorry. Maybe the next week. Have fun.

  • You guys couldn't even host a game without us there for the past 3 weeks and now you don't want to play by our rules?? WTF?
    I spoke to Aj and chris and they don't have the money for a cash game. They want to do a regular tournee and for those of you who get knocked out (Mark, Keith, Adam) then you guys can play cash game. Let me know. I'll check back around 4pm.
  • get knocked out?!


    i'm fine with whatever.. the more the merrier i guess?
  • i wouldnt mind either, you could always run a 20$ tourney, with a cash game on the side

    let me know, thanks
  • *hands up in surrender!**

    ALRIGHT! :) a tourney it is with a cash game after if there is time. i'm glad there is some passion..after 2 weeks of no live poker..passion is a good thing!

    game starts at 7:30 (or, you know..players arrive at 7:30)
  • whats the buy in for the tourney?
  • 20 plus a 5 dollar bounty
  • ohhh :D sounds fun
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