Home Tournament August 22nd

I'm hosting a small home tournament (actually 2 if time permits, NLHE: $25 and NLHE: $15) on Saturday March 7th @8PM and have a few spots left. If anybody is interested, PM me your email address and I'll add you to the evite.

Atmosphere is casual and fun (no hot heads). Player' skill level vary.


  • Will send you a PM tonight. Have to check with my group to see how many might be interested. I'd be interested, regardless.

    Sorry, just remembered, thats a UFC night. I'm out. Sorry.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Will send you a PM tonight. Have to check with my group to see how many might be interested. I'd be interested, regardless.

    Sorry, just remembered, thats a UFC night. I'm out. Sorry.

    That's too bad. Send it anyway and I'll add you on for the next one.
  • PM sent.
  • You can put me down as a "Yes." See you Saturday.
  • Milo wrote: »
    You can put me down as a "Yes." See you Saturday.

  • What city is this game in?

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    What city is this game in?


  • Marco, I am out. Thought I would have gotten better by now, but this cold is hanging on like a bitch.
  • Didn't see this until about 9:30. Figured you were a no show so we started without you. Actually, I ended up running with 12. 1 no show and 2 others were sick too.
  • Next tournament date is August 22nd @7:30. I'm hoping the weather will hold out so we can play on the patio. If you're interested send me a PM.
  • MarcoGD wrote: »
    Next tournament date is August 22nd @7:30. I'm hoping the weather will hold out so we can play on the patio. If you're interested send me a PM.

    I updated the thread title with the new date.
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