Game 5 Do Over!

Since we didn't get the required number of players last week, Game 5 is rescheduled for this coming Thursday night at 8pm.

Hope everyone can make it out.

Who's In??

1 - AJ
2 - Darryl
3 - Keith
4 - Anthony
5 - Chris E
6 - Eleanor
7 - Steve
8 - Allan
9 - Kris
10 - Shaun


  • Hopefully we clear the minimum this week. I could use the points I missed out on last week . . .
  • Not sure about the regulars, its been a while since I heard from most of them...maybe they're hibernating or something.

    Meanwhile, invite your friends, your spouses, that little brother you spoken to in five years...all are welcome
  • Hey there, I'm interested in testing my luck, I'll bring my cousin too, just PM me the address and I will come on through :)
  • Don't think you have PM priveledges yet on this site, need a miniimum number of posts (25 I think).

    Post your email and I'll send it to you.
    Hope you read the league rules.
  • My email is i read the rules, me and my cousin are only eighteen, if we can still play then just email me
  • Sorry. Minimum age restriction is a rule I put in place awhile ago, due primarily to the availability of alcohol at times during the game. I don't need a reason to have LEOs to come around for any reason.

    The door is open to you and your cousin once you hit the magic number.
  • Looking thin again this week. Hope there's a game to be played.

    Anyone wanna tell me if something is going on?
  • Eleanor and I are in.
  • Thanks Chris...great to see you come out again

    No word from Steve, Kris, Colin, Kofi, or Shaun yet. Be great to get a full table going again
  • I'm going to say IN, but I'll let you know before 5:00 if that changes.
  • It was the battle of Kris vs Chris headsup, with the chip lead moving back and forth between them a few times before Kris finally outkicked Chris for the win. Kris was quite happy to have his first win in a long time. Great to see Chris come back and show us he hasn't lost anything while playing squash the past few weeks either.

    It was insane tonight! Two quads...lost count of the sets...and two four-way allin's too. Been a long time since I have seen a run of cards like that.

    Keith took down third tonight and Shaun was the Chump.

    Thanks for coming out everyone...great game. See you all next week
  • Thanks, as always to our genial host. Last night was quite the roller coaster. Congrats Kris.
  • Good game last night.

    It was a real up and down game for a lot of players and there were lots of bad beats and big hands to be had.

    It was nice meet Shaun and Keith and to play once again with Anthony.

    Congrats on the win Kris.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    It was a real up and down game for a lot of players

    ummmmmm, what's an 'up'? never happened to me last night...positively the sickest run of trash I have EVER had.

    Welcome back Chris...first time out in awhile and you take second place...not a bad return to the mix, huh?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    ummmmmm, what's an 'up'?

    An up is that brief period of time between looking at your first hole card (an Ace or King), and your second hole card (an off-suit 5 or 6). Happy to help.
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