Help Donate to Crohns & Colitis Foundation

If anybody wants to donate to the Crohns and Colitis Foundation you would be doing it for a good cause! Go to the "Heel and Wheel" website and donate. Any small amount goes a long way.

Heel 'n' Wheel-a-Thon / À pied et à roulettes - Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada / Fondation canadienne des maladies inflammatoires de l'intestin

Thanks Gregory O'Shea


  • Greg's brother is participating in the walk... if you do want to donate you could help him support his fundraising effots. Here is the email I received with some more info about the walk/run and how to donate...

    Dear Graham,
    Come out and join me as I run for research for Chrons and Colitis.

    On June 14th, I, Ben O'Shea will be running/walking 10k at Sunnybrooke park in Toronto.

    I now work for the CCFC in Toronto and this is a program that I am running at a National Level. This year its is our goal to raise over 2 Million for IBD.

    Also feel free to join Team BOShea (my new nickname)

    Thanks in Advance

    Ben O'Shea
    This June, I’ll be participating in the 2009 Heel ‘n’ Wheel-a-Thon to raise money for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada (CCFC). The CCFC is a national not-for-profit voluntary medical research Foundation, whose mission is to find the cure for inflammatory bowel disease.
    As you know, this cause is very important to me, and that is why I’m asking you to help me out in my fundraising efforts this year. Sponsoring me is easy – just click on the ePledge link below and follow the prompts. If you’d prefer to send a cheque, just make it out to the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada and send it to my home address.
    To make your secure online pledge, please click on the link below.
    Donate Now
    If you have trouble viewing this link, cut and paste the following address into your browser:
    An electronic tax receipt will be sent to you by e-mail as soon as your donation is processed.
    Thank you for your generous support.
    P.S. - Anyone is welcome to participate in the Heel ‘n’ Wheel-a-Thon, so feel free to forward this link on to other people you know who may be interested in joining us in our fight to find the cure!
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