Looking to play online in Southern Alberta

Hello, I am new to this forum, I really enjoy playing online poker but also enjoy drinking some beers and having some fun with it. I really enjoy getting a couple buddies together and making a day/night out of it. We all put in $50 - $100 or so and then each play turny's on line. At the end we split the winnings or losses. It is always a great time, many beers drank and hopefully money won.

The only problem is as life goes forwards friends move one, and it's harder to make this happen.

I really enjoy playing online turney poker (mostly pokerstars) and like to think I am a great player but realisticaly would consider myself OK - to good.

I play by myself, but really enjoy having some beers and playing with friends.

If anyone is interested in getting together, loves beers, enjoys poker, and would like to join forces, send me a message.



  • You may want to discover 'live' poker.......don't think I'd want to spoon over one laptop, live a little too far anyhow.

    Welcome to the forum.
  • Well for the record we all play on a seperate laptop...so as to not encourage spooning..
  • do u have the ghey?
  • I think trying to build a team of players and split the earnings can be a good idea if all players are the same skill level roughly. I know many people who have done this and ended up making some good money. One thing to keep in mind is you have to trust your team because if something happens where one cashes huge, they may leave the others out to dry. Best to work out something in writing before starting. If you really want to win money though I would leave the beers out of it. If you just want to do it for fun, then like the others mentioned you would probably be better off just playing one another live.

    Anyway welcome to the site, and don't worry about some of the people here... they just like to give the new people a hard time ;)
  • Thanks for the replys, and to clarify my intention is not to build a crack team of poker players aimed at fortune. I know beer and poker don't mix interms of financial gain. I do play a lot of poker online and do ok on my own while not drinking beer. However it sure is a great time to get together with some poker players, drink some beers and just have some fun with it.

    Taking down a nice payday is fun on a normal day, try doing it after 10 beers and with a couple of buddies. That's just a good time.
  • hey corona i live in lethbridge as well man... though i dunno about the online thing id lvoe to get a live game going or something if u were interested
  • At one point for about a year I was something of a 'poker savante' when I was loaded. One night I had 16 beers, could barely see, couldn't walk, but I was taking everyone down at the table at a friends home game. Lets just say my friends weren't happy about any of it. They were in shock as I was still making solid decisions. Sadly, it doesn't work anymore. Lesson learned. Sort of. I'm a slow learner...
  • Oddly enough I am way more focused when I play after a few drinks. I am much more relaxed and don't try to rush my game as much.
  • Hey Mazda

    I have a regular home game that I play at, nothing major, $10 per game (tourney style holdem). We usually get through 2 or three games in a night. The only thing is the person who hosts the game is very particualar about who we invite. I will keep you posted.

  • hey man thats sweet.. i understand though no big deal...keep me updated on that id love to come play.
  • yep I'm interested in any kind of poker e-mail me pjh_420@hotmail.com
    Pat -Lethbridge
  • yep I'm interested in any kind of poker e-mail me pjh_420@hotmail.com
    Pat -Lethbridge
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