Went on Tues. If you don't get there before 5pm expect a 1 hr+ to 2 hr wait. By 6pm there are so many people waiting you can't even move in the foyer. No crab legs during the promo but the place is so busy the food is constantly fresh and very good. Get the fresh waffles for dessert and ask for the fresh whipped cream they keep hidden in the fridge.
What is wrong with signing your posts? Just curious, especially coming from someone who has been known to occasionally usurp accounts . . .
not Phred
It makes forum names and avatars moot, and is a complete waste of space. One or the other kids. If you really want people to know your name make your forum name Mark (or if it is taken xxMarkxx)
It is also a backhanded form of attention whoring, which I like, do and support...except this version is the lamest and most boring way of doing it.
Seriously Mark...post a story about a girl anally penetrating you ala InsaneGuy or turn every topic into a discussion about Rim Jobs...but your current shit is weak.
Thanks, cause that Wes is a filthy liar that none of us should trust...
Stop signing your posts.
not Phred
Stop being so combative
It makes forum names and avatars moot, and is a complete waste of space. One or the other kids. If you really want people to know your name make your forum name Mark (or if it is taken xxMarkxx)
It is also a backhanded form of attention whoring, which I like, do and support...except this version is the lamest and most boring way of doing it.
Seriously Mark...post a story about a girl anally penetrating you ala InsaneGuy or turn every topic into a discussion about Rim Jobs...but your current shit is weak.
How do you find time to find these. I barely have time to watch them.
(but watch I must)
Ie. Hugh G. Dildeaux or Harry Azzol, etc.