Game 5 Signup

Good turnout last week, with three new guys coming out to play, plus Keith who tried a repeat of his previous week's victory. Still, with Darryl's comeback win last week, he's once again holding top spot in the league. Personally, I don't think he's human...must be a machine.

Who's In?

1 - AJ
2 - Anthony
3 - Darryl
4 - Kris
5 - Steve
6 -
7 -
8 -
9 -
10 -


  • FIRST! . . . and, uh, IN.
  • HELLO??? Where the hell is everyone? Sheesh...such a decent turnout last guys really know how to torment a guy.
  • Since I'm new here, maybe more info would be appropriate as in location & time, and game details (cash, tourney, buyin etc.).
  • All the details can be found here...

    If you're interested in coming out, I'll PM you the contact info.
  • Thanks, but where is the general location? Since you're in Brampton, should I assume that's where it is?
  • General area? H section, near Ching can see the hill from my front door
  • Most likely out. I have to go get one of them job things tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get one of them and I'll have some money to give to you guys.
  • Ally wrote: »
    I have to go get one of them job things tomorrow.

    Say WHAT?? You serious?
    Tough break man, hope things work out for you soon
  • Looks shorthanded tonight. No reapeaters from LW?
  • Not as of yet...Colin and Kofi won't be able to make it this week, and I have yet to hear from Keith either.

    Regardless, there WILL be a game of some sort tonight.
  • Any last minute players want in? Keep it open until about 7ish or or email me or post here.
  • Well Keith made it out, but Kris couldn't, so not an official game tonight.

    So we did play a round of SHIGGLES, and thank god for that. I was chumped out in the first level when my rockets got murdered by a set of 6's on the flop.

    Milo wins the night, but no points bud, sorry. Darryl was happy with second place payout.

    Oh, and Milo wins the Micheal Jackson Look A Like contest hands down! ;)

    Game 5 will be held next Thursday. Hope to see more you out.
  • I may play with "the glove" next week, too. You guys DID seem to be intimidated by it. "cheers:
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    gg milo

    just noticed...HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEVE!!!!

    Must be nice...come second in the GBH Headsup Tourney for a cool $8,000...payoff the Mustang...and now your wife treats YOU to dinner tonight...

    Suddenly...I want to be Steve

    Happy B'day bud!!!
  • Thats great. Happy birthday, Steve. I almost feel bad about knocking you out last night. Almost . . . Then again, you do have that GBH $$$ to console you, so I'll just shut up now. Enjoy your day . . .

    It was a crazy day for me. Wrong light fixtures were delivered to the Montreal job site and the automatic door opener broke down in one of the stores in Edmonton. Just these two things on top of my regular s..t.

    Glad to hear that you had fun playing with each other without me... oh wait, does this sound correct???


    I'll see you all next week,
  • Thanks guys.

    It has been a great few days
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