Another great hand from Vegas

If you missed some other hands they are here: (probably should have posted under B&M and not BBV -- if a mod can move it that would be cool)

Last night playing 2 5NL (500cap) at the MGM. LP tilting player makes it 40, creative player on the button calls and I like the situation so I call in the SB with A3o. Tilting player's stack 400, creative player's stack 300, mine 1100.

Pot 125.

Flop AK6ss (I have no spade). I check, tilty bets $40 and creative thinks and shoves 260 into the 165 pot. I`m talking to him and get something that makes me think he isn`t very strong. Tilty is 100% transparent at this point and is folding behind me. I think for a minute and call, tilty mucks and we are heads up. Flush hits the turn and river is a brick. As the caller I always make the bettor turn over his hand first as I can use the info later on. He won`t turn over and asks if I hit my flush and I say no then he asks if I have an ace and shows pocket deuces. I flip over A3 and take down the pot. He is a bit shocked that I can make that call and I am a bit happy to be stacking his chips.

Tied for favourite hand in Vegas with #1 in the previous thread. I love these spots where experience and reads pay off making calls that the nitty 2 5 Vegas pros want to make but can never make.

Gotta love live Las Vegas.


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