Game 4 Player's List

The season is now well underway, and Darryl is holding onto the early lead at the moment. Steve and Anthony aren't too far behind though, and there's still a lot of games to play in the season, so anyone can make a stab at the title yet.

Hopefully, we will see more new faces out too. Keith made his first appearance on The Hill a success, and that's often the case with new players to the game for some reason. They just get lucky!! ;)

Who's In??

1 - AJ
2 - Darryl
3 - Anthony
4 - Keith
5 - Allan
6 - Shaun
7 - Steve
8 - Kris
9 - Colin
10 -Kofi


  • Plenty of seats still available for tonight's game. Surprised Kris hasn't signed up yet, or Steve.

    Do have one new player tonight, buddy of Keith's. Hopefully he'll take it easy on us.
  • Aj, there is a small chance I may be able to make this game if that is OK.

    I will give you a call if it looks like I can attend..

  • Bill, for you, always an open seat to any of my games!

    I'll PM my cell number to you, call me if you can make it.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Bill, for you, always an open seat to any of my games!

    I'll PM my cell number to you, call me if you can make it.

    False alarm. I won't be able to make it. Both kids are sick and do not seem to be getting better. (Stomach flu)

    Hey, congrats on joining humanity with your new cell phone! :)
  • No worries, know you're welcome to come out anytime.
  • First time the new guy didn't win the night, even though we had three of them!!

    Darryl took down another game...not bad for the guy who came in tonight saying he wasn't 'feeling it' tonight. He was down to 325 in chips, but managed to double enough enough to get into the money with Steve and myself. My usual card dead system worked wonders and I busted out in third. Steve had the monster stack, but Darryl again made short work of that, and after doubling up the first time when he flopped the straight, his AQs against Steve's KJo was enough to take the win.

    Bubble was Anthony (guess his win at Moose's was enough for him), and new guy Colin was Chump.

    Hope to see all you new players out again. Hope you enjoyed the night.
  • I was most impressed with my execution of "the move of honour" during the first blind level.

    UTG shoveaments, FTW.
  • Would have worked too, if you hadn't have laughed while you were doing it ;) I'm pretty sure Kofi would have called it down on you with his QQ

    So tell me, what's the secret with Pocket 5's? Seems to hit sets for everyone else BUT me.
  • Tough to make a set when you have no hole cards, AJ . . . :D

    This tilt brought to you by your friendly neighbourhood donk-meister.
  • Still can't get over that either. Kept me up for hours last night after the game, kicking myself in the ass.

    Finally got to sleep when I came to the conclusion that I don't need cards to beat you...but they would have certainly helped ;)
  • GG Darryl, especially to battle back from only 325 in chips. Hopefully your good run lately will hold up when you get to Vegas for the WSOP Circuit at Ceasars.
  • Speaking of which...

    Either of you interested in sponsors??
    Can't make it down myself, but I have no issue with living vicariously.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Still can't get over that either. Kept me up for hours last night after the game, kicking myself in the ass.

    Finally got to sleep when I came to the conclusion that I don't need cards to beat you...but they would have certainly helped ;)

    Touche. Still, I was impressed at the attempt . . . just wish I had raised before pointing it out. :-[
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