Fallsview 5/10 NL report

Played this game last night. Wanted to play 10/20 NL but I don't think anyone budged from the table the whole time I was there... was on waitlist for 5 1/2 hours and never got called to the 10/20. I don't go and play live much but wanted to post about what I saw. What a pile of jerks. I would say 8 of the 10 people on the table knew each other at any given time. They were softplaying hands left and right. Do they not know how -EV this is? They were berating dealers (in one case deserved) but were just so rude. They were trying to get away with showing one card at showdown (and in one case it worked and the dealer didn't know why this was a bad thing, and wasn't listening to any arguments... probably because she was sick of the what must be daily abuse from these idiots). They were pretty much all 55+ and old. I felt like I was at the mall food court at 11am. Only one dealer was consistently putting them in their place... a middle aged blondish lady.. might have been a Tracy? The rest just seemed to put up with their crap. A reraise on that table would have been an turbo muck of KK, heh. Still a good game to play but in a different way, obviously (although I'm sure most of the time these guys probably eek out a tiny profit). I mean, sure, have a hobby to keep yourself busy when you retire but this was just ridiculous. Just thought I'd give everyone the heads up!


  • The odd time I'd bother to drive all the way down there last summer the 5/10 and 10/25 were pretty good action. I kind of like tight tables like that on occasion as they are pretty easy to run over and then you get to tilt someone by stacking their QQ with 75soooted after 3 betting them with position. Good times.
  • I'm not sure you're going to like the results of 3betting QQ w 75s 100x BB deep in these games longterm.
  • ryanghall wrote: »
    I would say 8 of the 10 people on the table knew each other at any given time. They were softplaying hands left and right. Do they not know how -EV this is?
    I haven't played much at Fallsview since I discovered online poker, :-[ but I did notice this before when I played 5/10. I thought it was strange they weren't going after each other's money and giving up so much equity, but they were all going after my money or anybody outside their clique.
    Still a good game to play but in a different way, obviously (although I'm sure most of the time these guys probably eek out a tiny profit).
    The majority of them are net losers - just like your PokerStars Steps opponents. ;) Some of them will disappear for awhile until they save up to grind again. They'll sign up for the lower limits, then somebody will say, "WTF are you doing at 2/5?"
  • ryanghall wrote: »
    I'm not sure you're going to like the results of 3betting QQ w 75s 100x BB deep in these games longterm.

    Well the point is when the table is that tight play loose and earn...I can't believe they are still restricting buy-ins to 100bb at mid limits
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Well the point is when the table is that tight play loose and earn...I can't believe they are still restricting buy-ins to 100bb at mid limits

    My guess it that its provincial regulations more than anything.

    But yeah, I've only played 5/5, and that was approx 1.5 years ago now when I went about 2-3 times weekly when it was the first time FV got the WPT to grind out 5/5 and satellites, and it was basically a group of guys after the new guy's money. It alsohappened in a satellite where a guy clearly stated "I got that guy out, now you have a better shot to stay in this thing" (para-phrase, I do not remember exactly the wording referring to him betting me out of the pot on the flop).
  • The other thing I was disgusted with was the lack of tipping. The one guy has been there basically every time I've been there and I don't think I've ever seen him tip. F cheap bastard.
  • ryanghall wrote: »
    Played this game last night. Wanted to play 10/20 NL but I don't think anyone budged from the table the whole time I was there... was on waitlist for 5 1/2 hours and never got called to the 10/20. I don't go and play live much but wanted to post about what I saw. What a pile of jerks. I would say 8 of the 10 people on the table knew each other at any given time. They were softplaying hands left and right. Do they not know how -EV this is? They were berating dealers (in one case deserved) but were just so rude. They were trying to get away with showing one card at showdown (and in one case it worked and the dealer didn't know why this was a bad thing, and wasn't listening to any arguments... probably because she was sick of the what must be daily abuse from these idiots). They were pretty much all 55+ and old. I felt like I was at the mall food court at 11am. Only one dealer was consistently putting them in their place... a middle aged blondish lady.. might have been a Tracy? The rest just seemed to put up with their crap. A reraise on that table would have been an turbo muck of KK, heh. Still a good game to play but in a different way, obviously (although I'm sure most of the time these guys probably eek out a tiny profit). I mean, sure, have a hobby to keep yourself busy when you retire but this was just ridiculous. Just thought I'd give everyone the heads up!

    Doesn't sound like they deserve tips 1/2 the time.
  • how does nobody say anything about the gang of old nits to a floorman or something? unless you can just shit on them hand after hand (which i'm guessing most of you are) it doesn't make any sense.

    oops i guess i answered my own question.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Doesn't sound like they deserve tips 1/2 the time.

    Problem is, when people take this approach then it's unlikely any of the dealers will ever care about their job. I completely agree with you, and dealers won't like to hear this, but the complete lack of care for their job at not only Fallsview, but other casinos, is really disappointing. Many go through the motions, not trying to make play fast, not caring to know all of the rules intricately, not being forceful... and it's really kind of sad. If I put that little effort into my job, I'd have trouble sleeping at night.

    Having said that, they're still worth $1/hand at a game where we're playing for thousands. Like, come on :/
  • ryanghall wrote: »
    Problem is, when people take this approach then it's unlikely any of the dealers will ever care about their job. I completely agree with you, and dealers won't like to hear this, but the complete lack of care for their job at not only Fallsview, but other casinos, is really disappointing. Many go through the motions, not trying to make play fast, not caring to know all of the rules intricately, not being forceful... and it's really kind of sad. If I put that little effort into my job, I'd have trouble sleeping at night.

    Having said that, they're still worth $1/hand at a game where we're playing for thousands. Like, come on :/

    I was being sarcastic, I always tip.

    Poker rooms need to let dealers keep their own tips or it will never change. Why should some 15hand/hour dealer who can't control a table bring in the same wage as a 35 hand/hour dealer keeping the game running smoothly. RIdonkalus.
  • I think most players at FV think they are God's gift to poker. The other weekend I was there I had this guy chirping in my ear about how I need to go learn from deuces cracked (training site) how to play poker because I mucked my 99 after I got re-raised to 200 from my initial re-raise of 60 preflop after 4 people limped. I was told I should be shoving my stack there as I have no fold equity with effective stacks of 500.

    Then I was also be-rated because I mucked my JJ on a board of AA10 after once again I was re-raised preflop and then shoved on after I put out a bet on that flop.

    It stopped once I started name dropping (some online pros I know and other very well known live players) and told the "regular" that he should watch who he is talking to, after I stacked him when I bet out my set into a rainbow flop and he decided to make a move....

    Then the game was fun again....

    But overall I feel most days when I play there (Fri/Sat) its me against 5-6 others all colluding together (not necessarily straight out colluding but same as above reference, soft playing, chatting about hands....etc)

    At the end of the day I don't really care because I am +EV at FV by like a million % because for everyone I 3 bet with AA I get at least 1 no believer who will stack off to me with top pair on the flop.

    However, it is quite intimidating for "newer" players that may not be used to playing in such a tainted environment.
  • I fail to see any logic whatsoever in dealers not keeping their own tips.... and if poker dealers are sharing tips with non poker dealers that seriously makes me not want to tip at all....
  • That's the standard everywhere that I know of in Canada.
  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    How about the 35 hand/hour poker dealer making the same wage and tips as the guy pushing the button to spin the big wheel on Big Six. Yep. They all make they same amount.

    Where do most of the tips in the tip pool come from?

    I imagine that poker pays pretty good compared to the big wheel?
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