I had enough again.

Tell me what you think, never mind ace's cracked I can live with that. The other 2 tourneys I play on p* set over set on the flop all money in before the turn. This happened to me 6 months ago Set over SET on the flop X2 !! That time I uninstall stars that time,the pain eased and i wanted to get to play a tourney with u guys. So i reinstalled it last night 4 games one with kk cracked runner runner flush, AA cracked 2 pair KQ even big stacks money in before flop,and two set over set all money in before the flop good size stacks top 20. They were all 4.40 180 man tourneys can't remember size six months ago think they were bigger. Am i over reacting, played poker for 15 years live this has happened 1 or 2 times on the flop with a big stack. I think going to spend the rest and uninstall jokerstars again.

Tell me what you think


  • lol..sounds like my live night last night. Twice, beat by a bigger boat, (trips on flop and pp in hand) by the same damn guy. (our resident donkey) Then to top it off...trip 7's on the flop, I re-raise all in to be called by pocket aces, and the ace on the turn ends my night...Saw at least 4 flopped flushes...strange night for sure. It doesn't just happen online.
  • Tin foil hats are the solution........ It happens just as much live (times per # hands played).... Vegas 2 trips ago, I couldn't lose, I was winning from in front, from behind, it didn't matter.. Last trip, just the opposite, lost twice with top set to turned FH, which made the other guy 4 of a kind, once in the Venetian daily, flopped 2nd high flush to nut flush, I think three other times where I got all in preflop with pair over pair and lost.... In fact I don't recall coming from behind even once...
    It's called variance and will even out in the long run. You just have to play through it and make SURE you are still playing well and not tilting...
  • BADAPPLE67 wrote: »
    This happened to me 6 months ago Set over SET on the flop X2 !!

    Dude, if you hadn't uninstalled stars and had played for 6 months you would've realized that this is just variance and won't happen constantly....you've been unlucky but you just need to play through it and in the long run when you're flopping sets you'll be winning!
  • 72off will beat AA 1 in 6 times so its just a part of the game. Set over set is tough.
  • Yea play through, feel the burn, good things happen to good people and all that. I can over come variance my off my live bank roll is stable over 10 k online steady decline 2 k. Thanks for the comets, maybe i should posted this under beats. While I am here I was wondering is it legal to win money online in Canada. When i ask that question its not the legality of playing I think that's a gray area.

    Thanks again
  • I like it, been there done that got the shirt. It did put a smile on my face thanks.
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