Sorry About Downtime Last Night

I am not sure what happened, but it appears the database crashed and it happened right after I went to sleep. So, when I finally woke up I received a message and fixed it asap. Sorry about the delay.


  • You are the wind beneath my wings. You are my hero. Can I have your baby or more casino cash?
  • moose wrote: »
    Can I have your baby or more casino cash?

    Ok, you win $1 casino cash for saying the creepiest thing I've heard today!
  • Graham wrote: »
    Ok, you win $1 casino cash for saying the creepiest thing I've heard today!

    Its still early though
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Its still early though

    Yeah . . . I mean I haven't even started about my fantasies involving Mark and my goat, Seymour . . .
  • Graham wrote: »
    Ok, you win $1 casino cash for saying the creepiest thing I've heard today!

    I'm going to sue for more child support.
  • Hey

    You all would be way more cocky if you were this full of myself.

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    You all would be way more cocky if you were this full of myself.


    Definitely not unusual to me that Mark would use cock, full and myself all in the same sentence.
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    You all would be way more cocky if you were this full of myself.

    Mark, if ANYONE has ever been "full" of yourself (so to speak), it'll be a first . . . at least that's what Seymour told me. :D
  • *grabs lawn chair for epic thread watch*
  • Should I bring the goat on Monday?

    You know, in case you finish quicker than expected?

    Not that there's any shame in that . . . I've heard it happens to you youngsters now and again.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Yeah . . . I mean I haven't even started about my fantasies involving Mark and my goat, Seymour . . .

    Pics of goat or it doesn't exist!
  • Seymour is bashful, but here you go . . .


    Usually he wears rubber boots, but . . . you know.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Seymour is bashful, but here you go . . .


    Usually he wears rubber boots, but . . . you know.

    According to the site where you got that image from, that goat's name is nanny... or is that just Seymour's modelling name?
  • What?!? You think my real name is Milo? Besides, you said pics of a goat . . . you did not say MY goat.

    C'mon, Graham, work with me . . . :D
  • I'm sure MILO has a vault full of animal-in-immoral-situation pictures.

    That one is most likely the only one he can post on a public forum.
  • AJ, don't tell me you're trying to get my goat, too . . .
  • Milo wrote: »
    AJ, don't tell me you're trying to get my goat, too . . .

    Gave up my turn ages ago, waiting for Mark to finish with it.
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