
Heading down to Calgary this weekend.....plan to play a bit.

Any decent tourney's this weekend?


  • Too bad I'm heading to Vegas Sunday where are you playing?
  • My brothers 40th B'day tonight....going to Schanks south. I'm staying downtown, so I'll probably go to Stampede or Elbow tomorrow.

    Been awhile......which do you prefer?

    Be interested in any $100+ tourney's as well.....if you know any.
  • Here's a quick blurb on my Calgary weekend:

    Drove down Friday liquored for my bro's b'day, and about midnight, my g'f and I decided it would be a good idea to check out the new Stampede Casino (hadn't been there since the new one opened).

    First buy in lost to bluffing with 7 high (busted straight draw) a hand with nit, and thought he would bow to the pressure.....called with top pair Q kicker…….I’ll blame it on the booze.
    2nd buyin a little more successful...recouped losses and called it a night.


    g/f and myself headed to Deerfoot casino for a romantic 'doubles' poker tourney. Interesting set in $180 total for both working on a point system for each tourney, most 'team' points wins. Was run as 2 individual tourneys, where each partner plays the end of the round, you switch, and play your partners chips. Interesting format, but g/f's K's ran into the set of 6's and we were 3rd out on that one. Unfortunately with the setup, it was going to be impossible to cash, even if we won the other tourney.
    After discussions with the houseman about the lack of incentive for those knocked out early in one, they added a 1st place in each tourney prize of a night’s accomodations along with dinner… we ended up winning the other so all was not lost. Went head up against 2 older ladies….one super aggressive (playing and pushing around my g/f)….fortunately I was owning her not so aggressive partner.

    Grey Eagle:

    After the above tourney, headed over to the new Grey Eagle to play the Saturday night tourney ($180 buy-in). A little dissapointed there were only 2 tables for this one, but, whatever. 7500 chips, 20 minute blinds….decent structure. Uneventful to the first break, sitting at just over starting amount, only a couple players knocked out.
    After the break, doubled up a short stack when they rivered a flush, down to 5000 chips when I have 8-10 soooooooooooted on the button with a few limpers, so I come along. Flop comes J-10-8 rainbow….SB checks BB bets min 300…MP raises to 600…….comes to me, and I’m pretty sure I’m good, but don’t want to see anymore cards, I jam for 4700. Much to my dismay SB re-jams a big stack in…..everyone else folds. Thinking I’m dead to my tight, he shows me QK for an open-ended draw…….SWEET. Unfortunately turn K, river A…….good bye me.

    Unfortunately no PLO (or D.C.) could be found at any of the casinso I hit……list started at Stampede, but not started, heard Grey Eagle would probably have one, but they did not.

    Overall, very impressed with the new casinos (Grey Eagle & Stampede)…..lots of tables (super comfy chairs at Stampede).
  • fyi Party has sats for the Cdn Poker Open at the Stampede in May.
  • actyper wrote: »
    fyi Party has sats for the Cdn Poker Open at the Stampede in May.

    I noticed they do run sat's for some cdn events....I may have to get back on there.

    Let me know when you're coming down....I'll do a roadtrip.
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