Game 3; Must Stop Darryl!

Its still early, but Darryl has already taken the lead by placing twice in the first two games this season. HE MUST BE STOPPED!!

Might have a couple of new players come out this week too. Hero Killer...let me know if you're in this week.

Who's in???

1 - AJ
2 - Darryl
3 - Keith
4 - Anthony
5 - Steve
6 - Allan
7 - Eleanor (?)
8 - Kris
9 -
10 -


  • In, for what it's worth . . .
  • In..becoz Darryl needs more money
  • In, tentative. Just have to confirm babysitting.
  • No ACDC yet?

    maybe his bank lost his money again
  • Here we go.. I'm in..
  • Lots of time to reserve a seat for tonight's game. I'll keep registration open until about 6pm tonight, be great to see some of the Milton Rock lads come out to a game soon.
  • What up everyone! I just joined this msg board today. I live in brampton and I'm interested in joining this league. I got 1 other guy that would join with me to. Can someone contact me to let me know where this game takes place?

    Holla back!
  • I'll send you an email shortly. You may want to edit your address out of your msg though...unless you like a ton of spam.

    If you're still interested, I'll add you and your friend up.
  • HEY in??
  • I sent you an email a little earlier. I wont be coming tonight cause I got some shit to take care of. I got a big assignment due tomorrow for my electrical apprenticeship class. But i am really interested in joining this league. I'm going to plan ahead to come next week.
  • You must have sent it to my work account, no worries. See you next week then.
  • Now that the bugs are out of the forum I can finally post last nights results...

    The new guy usually does pretty well in their first game, and Keith kept that alive last night, winning his first ever game on The Hill! He and Kris were locked headsup for quite sometime, Kris with the mountain of chips...but Keith kept chipping away slowly but surely at his stack. Last hand Kris had top pair to Keith's open ended straight draw, but spiking a King on the river gave him top pair to take it down. Headsup took so long, I can't remember who was bubble or chump anymore.

    Good game all. Hopefully next game I'll start getting something higher than 9crap to play with...we'll see.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »

    Good game all. Hopefully next game I'll start getting something higher than 9crap to play with...we'll see.

    Theres nothing wrong with 9 crap, just make sure to have a good kicker like a 2 or 3...oh and suited helps.
  • congrats to once again the new guy taking it down, seems to be the trend on the hill
  • Congrats New Guy! (Don't worry, next week we'll start calling you Keith, and not New Guy).

    Please don't win again. We don't like it when people win over and over again. That's why we don't like Darryl. Right Darryl?
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    Please don't win again. We don't like it when people win over and over again. That's why we don't like Darryl. Right Darryl?

    But Darryl has already confirmed that if he SHOULD win three games in a row, the feast he brings will be FANTASTIC!

    I"m thinking steak and lobster tails!!

    We can dislike him AFTER that.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    But Darryl has already confirmed that if he SHOULD win three games in a row, the feast he brings will be FANTASTIC!

    This has been confirmed, according to sources.
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