Game 2...going to be a long season

Going to be a long season we keep doing this game every second week. Due to insufficient numbers last week, no official game was held, so this Thursday will be the second game of the season. Hope to see everyone out.

Who's In?
1 - AJ
2 - Darryl
3 - Anthony
4 - Nib
5 - Allan
6 - Kris
7 - Steve
8 -
9 -
10 -


  • What else am I going to do with all these chips?

  • hey you guys its been a while. ill probably be able to shake loose of thursday so put me down as a probably.
  • Nib wrote: »
    hey you guys its been a while. ill probably be able to shake loose of thursday so put me down as a probably.

    ummmm, remind me of who you are again?
  • Im the really young guy/fish:) who came out most of last summer. if that isn't enough i was the black dude
  • Nib wrote: »
    Im the really young guy/fish:) who came out most of last summer. if that isn't enough i was the black dude

    Gotcha! Welcome back to The Hill!
  • WTF is going on here, besides myself, where has everyone disappeared to?
  • Typical for this time of year, Romer. Kind of gets abit slow. But people have other committments...Elliotts have Henry...Derek is going off on a trip...Joe is working full time now...and your dead money isn't in the game any longer. It all adds up to a slow season.

    Game will be available though, if less than 6 show, we'll just play for the pot and no points.
  • what times the game again?:-[
  • 8pm sharp
    remember how to get there?
  • I don't know if I'll be able to make it this thursday... I HAVE NO MONEY!!!

    As some of you know I left for my skiing vacation on saturday Jan. 24, 2009 and has returned on sunday Feb. 1, 2009. While I was enjoying a foot of fresh powder in Vail (Jan. 27, 2009) someone has emptied my checking account and CLOSED it. People at CIBC are totally puzzled at what happened and at present I have absolutely no money...

    The fun never stop, does it?
  • I'm game if there's a game.
  • ACDC wrote: »
    I don't know if I'll be able to make it this thursday... I HAVE NO MONEY!!!

    As some of you know I left for my skiing vacation on saturday Jan. 24, 2009 and has returned on sunday Feb. 1, 2009. While I was enjoying a foot of fresh powder in Vail (Jan. 27, 2009) someone has emptied my checking account and CLOSED it. People at CIBC are totally puzzled at what happened and at present I have absolutely no money...

    The fun never stop, does it?

    I'VE BEEN THERE!!! Had the exact same thing happen to me about a year ago, and it was a nightmare to clear up. My bank is TDCT and they were very good helping me out. Hang in there Kris. Hope it clears up soon for you.
  • In..

    And Kris I can front you, your buyin for this weeks game until that mess is cleared up.

    Let me know
  • Looks to be a decent little game shaping up for tonight, hope we get a couple more players, but I think we are good to go either way.

    I won't be online tonight to update the game sheet as my daughter's sciex fair is happening at her school. I should be back in plenty of time to get things set up though. If you want to join in, either call and leave a msg at home or call my cell.

    See everyone tonight.
  • Thanks a lot Steve and thanks AJ...

    It looks like the bank made a mistake and hopefully it will all go back to normal by lunch time today, so.

    I'm in for tonight's game!!!

  • Glad to hear it. See you tonight
  • Game 2 is finally in the books, with Darryl taking it down last night. Severally short stacked against Steve's mountain, Darryl hit trip 2's to double up and put Steve on the short stack. Wasn't long after that and he had all the chips. Good game everyone. Bubble was Kris, and Chump was Anthony. Both he and Steve flopped straights early in the game, but Steve had the top end straight. Nice hand.

    Hope to see everyone next week. I'll update the file and send it out over the weekend.
  • Good game everyone,

    AJ, you forgot to mention that those two were chopping every second pot with exactly the same hand... fun, fun and more fun.
  • ACDC wrote: »
    Good game everyone,

    AJ, you forgot to mention that those two were chopping every second pot with exactly the same hand... fun, fun and more fun.

    You referring to the obvious collusion and slow playing they were doing against each other? Yea, I noticed it. Obviously they are related somehow.

    j/ both played very well last night
  • I feel like that guy that always takes credit for other peoples hard work.

    Steve knocked out everyone.

    I just played Allen poker in the end and got there a few times.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    I feel like that guy that always takes credit for other peoples hard work.

    Steve knocked out everyone.

    I just played Allen poker in the end and got there a few times.

    Maybe you should give Steve the first place cash then? Make you both alot happier ;)
  • Bounties, FTW.
  • ya you owe me Darryl. LOL

    Good game. The turning point heads up was when Darryl pushed all in after the turn on an open end straight draw when I had middle pair and he hit his straight, that brought Darryl back into the game for him to hit his trip 2's on the river, when I slow played aces. (back to never slow playing aces lol)

    Once again good game all
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