Guelph Thursday (Jan 29) and Superbowl Sunday!

Alright ya'll,

I'm running my regular game this thursday..20 dollar buy in with a five dollar bounty. Rake free. Game starts at 7:30.

Superbowl sunday will be a pot luck cash game. What time does the superbowl start? i could google it, but i'm super lazy and watching CSI right now. so ..i guess the game (poker) will start at like..uhh...3:30? and then we'll break for dinner and then go back to it or whatever.
there will be a square pool, as well as prop bets (on pertty much anything...). THe game will be a cash game, no tourney..should be good. also, post what you are bringing, as it's a pot luck.



1. Mark - Chili and maybe meatballs.
2. Paul
3. MIke P
4. Haren
5. Sandro
6. Mir
7. Melinda
8. Adam
9. AJ
10. Jen


  • I'm in for Thursday for sure. Will advise on Sunday by Thursday. Thanks!
  • i'll be there thursday. and i'm 90% for sunday too.

    as for bringing food.. we'll see. i'll let you know when i know.
  • Aj and I are going to Brantford on Thursday..they have ladies night and a ladies only poker tournee for 25 bucks. 20 people. so we won't be there on thursday to play with you ladies.
    We will be there on sunday tho! I will bring pumpernickle bread and dip and maybe some of my famous chocolate chip cookies! aj will bring something..not sure what.
  • hmm..this thursday's game is looking like it's not likely....i'll post tomorrow if it comes togheter *fingers crossed**

    Sunday is happening for sure..i'm just really lazy and haven't posted the people..but the game should be solid.
  • I'm in if there is a game tonight. I'll check back later.

    Can't do Sunday tho, already committed to another party. If your game was a little earlier I would come over for some cards early.....
  • what time does the superbowl start? i'm down with starting earlier, but i wasn't sure what tiem the game was.....

    as for tonight it's looking like a no go....sad, but hopefully i'll see most of you on sunday! :)
  • Game time is a little after 6.

    Don`t worry about adjusting for me. I`m just trying to double dip.

    Too bad about tonight but I guess Jen has to play with girls so she can feel good about her game.

    Have fun on Sunday.
  • true about sunday as well tho...cuz i party is gonna be AMAZING.
    just sayin'! :)
  • Sorry, can't make it Sunday:(
  • i still have no idea what i'm bringing... i'll figure it out eventually.. but.. any suggestions? or.. what is already taken?
  • natcho and dip type stuff is always a big fan! :)
  • I am bringing pumperknickel bread and dip. My brother is bringing veggie and dip. Not sure what AJ is brning. My husband is coming too!
  • it's at 3:30 right...?
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