Game 2; New Rule

Game 2 is scheduled for Thursday Jan 29 at 8pm. Hope to see everyone come out. Milo currently is in first place with his victory last week.

New Rule;
due to the fact that at this time of year, everyone's schedule can be quite busy, and with weather conditions being unpredictable, our minimum player game is now 6 instead of 8. Should only six or seven players register, top two will pay out 60/40. Eight to 16 players, top three payout 50/30/20, and 17 or more players, top four payout 50/25/15/10. This way, we can be assured of at least a small game every week.

Who's in for this week??

1 - AJ
2 - Darryl
3 - Anthony
4 - Joe (tentative)
5 - Allen
6 - Chuck
7 - Steve
8 -
9 -
10 -


  • Have to defend my lead, so . . . IN
  • I may be in.... will confirm later
  • GAME ON!!
    Just to give everyone a headsup, I won't be able to access the board after 5pm tonight, so if you want to get in the game, either call me at home or on my cell and I'll add you on the sheet.

    Also, as of this morning, our street hadn't been plowed yet. I suspect it will be by game time, but just in case, be aware of the fact that its pretty deep and slick on my street.
  • If we park on the road, will we get tagged if the plow comes? I remember something about this from a few seasons back, along with a grumpy neighbour. Post or PM, whichever's best. See you tonight.
  • If the plow comes during game time, we'll pause the clock and let everyone move their vehicles. Usually it gets done before I get home though, so I really don't anticipate an issue.
  • No worries, AJ. Nice to hear I'm not the only one in this burgh getting shafted by the plow. I'll probably have to shovel my way into the drive as well.
  • With Chuck pulling out at the last minute last night, we didn't have enough players for an official game, even with the new rule, so we'll redo Game 2 next week.

    Still, the five of us did play for 100% of the pool, and it was alot of fun. Anthony showed us all his rather unique talent for chipping up early in a big way, only to bubble out in the end. And I was proud of my ability to miss every g**damn thing on the board, but yet still take the win. No WAY I should have won anything last night, but after my two outer against Allen at break time, things finally started to come together for me. Sorry Allen, that was a sick card on the river.

    See you all next week. I'll get the snacks for the next game as Anthony did bring them last night.
  • Hey, if Phil Ivey is the "Tiger Woods" of poker, I guess that makes me Santa Claus, distributing chips to all the good little boys and girls . . .
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