Let's send someone to the WSOP

I'm interested in playing/organizing a one table tournament where at the end of 4 months (Feb- May) we send 2 people to Vegas for one of the WSOP events (likely the NLHE $1500 event).

Here are some things that I have thought of, please discuss:

# of players: 10 (there would be an option of having pre-determined subs for the tournament(s) that you could not play)

Buy in: $50- $100 (however this totally depends on # tournaments run and the WSOP event buy-in) Would the "series of tournaments" pay for just the entry fee or entry fee plus accomodations?

Pay out for each tournament: If we ran 8 tournaments, every two weeks starting in Feb, at $75 a piece that would give us $6000.00. I figure that it will cost $3600CAN to purchase both seats. This leaves $3400/8= $425 per tournament pay out. Perhaps enough to pay top 2, $300 and $125. This of course is just an example.

Points system: This is something I would welcome input on

% of players that play in WSOP: Is this something that should be determined by how well you do in the "series of tournaments" or should everyone receive equal % as we're all buying in the same?

I'm certain that there are things I am missing, please post. This is something that could be really exciting. I'd love to spend the next four months contributing to someone I will have a piece of and spending that time in helping them improve their game.

Please post if you are interested in being a part of this. We would also need a host, however I could do a few of the weeks.



  • Players interested

    stpboy (any of the above)
    Sirus (Preference?)
    Wes (Preference?)
    Tyson (Preference?/host)
    Nik ($50-$75/host)
    JohnnieH (sub/host)
    Ranger Mike (<$75)
  • I think this is a really good idea. I am assuming that the same 10 players would have to show up every two weeks (or every three weeks depending on which format you went with). I really like this forum for the collaborative satellites that members put together (such as the GBH ones that I will be taking a part of).

    The only challenge I might see arising is...what happens if a player can not attend one of the weeks? It is no longer fair to the rest of the players since he/she is not contributing that week?

    I personally would like to take part in this as well. Besides the opportunity to play in the WSOP (and returning to play poker in Vegas!), it is a really great way to work on my game as I am always looking to learn and improve.
  • I'll play. Keep in mind there are travel expenses as well involved with playing in a WSOP event..so you might want to either change the payout structure, up the buy-in (or whatever).

    I personally hate sharing % in a tournament from a satellite structure, but if its nothing more than 10% or something then I guess its not a huge deal but I still don't like giving action just from winning a satellite. (where everyone participating already had an equal chance at winning the satellite/series).

    To answer Sirus' question regarding missing a week. I guess the player can either be blinded out (but must still pay buy-in), or he/she can designate a "ringer" (obv. a limit to # of ringer games) for that particular game. This will be up to the organizer but stated in adv. obv.
  • stpboy wrote: »

    # of players: 10 (there would be an option of having pre-determined subs for the tournament(s) that you could not play)

    To answer your question Sirus, see above. So, prior to the 'series of tournaments' beginning I would chose two people that were not involved that have decent availability. I would still pay the upfront fee however they would play for me so that I could get as many points as possible. Otherwise the person would blind out however would still have to pay.

    Where are you from Sirus? This would be held in the Waterloo Region.

    Also, let me know what buy-ins you guys prefer?

    Wes. I realize that there are extra costs associated with going to Vegas, I just thought that keeping the buy-in down was a good idea as people, regardless of how much the 'series of tournaments' gives them, will bring their own cash as well. There are options in the pool above to pay for just the entry fee, entry plus flight as well as entry plus accomodations and flight. I think if we were to get into Entry, flight, accom + spending cash then it would get pretty pricey. I am also assuming that whomever is sent, will win a few of the 'series of tournaments' so they will have some extra cash anyway.

  • Are you talking about an online series? If so I'd be interested depending on the schedule, but I doubt too many forum members will play $100 sngs.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »
    Are you talking about an online series? If so I'd be interested depending on the schedule, but I doubt too many forum members will play $100 sngs.

    No, I thought Live. The WSOP is live and I think there should be enough interest here in the tri-cities to get this done. Sorry you can't be a part of it Dave.

  • I will I will
  • Although this is above my bankroll, I think this is a brilliant idea! If you get this running I'd be willing to be a ringer-boy and I could host one of the games at my place. Hell, I'll host even if I'm not playing.

    Best of luck guys!
  • I'm in. a lower buy in would be preferable50-75.... I also volunteer hosting duties if needed. But some money up front should be included. If I lose the first 7 tourneys why would I show up for the rest.
  • stpboy wrote: »
    No, I thought Live. The WSOP is live and I think there should be enough interest here in the tri-cities to get this done. Sorry you can't be a part of it Dave.


  • I've thought about doing something like this in the past. I am interested if it is around $75 (or less) and I can make the timing work with my schedule.

    One option to let people miss games: have 12 people commit, but only play with 10 players each week. Have a first-come, first-served system for people to opt out of two different weeks. If they need to miss more than two weeks, they have to just be blinded out the other week(s) that they miss. Plan the money so that it is enough with only 10 people paying each week. Then everyone pays the same amount overall and everyone misses two weeks.

    Those who could theoretically make every single week would just have to pick a couple weeks to miss to even everything out.
  • Ex... 8 tournaments x $75 = $600 per person. Take $225 up front. Then you pay $75 per Tourney and nobody pays for the last 3 Tourneys. If you bill them they will come. Add 1 tourney for 9 total for some spending money. $225 if you're serious but not so much that my wife notices the money missing.
  • I don't see the point of having a bunch of money leave the local poker economy?
  • I don't see the point of having a bunch of money leave the local poker economy?

    You are right. Lets have our own WSOP. Do you think any big names will show up? The closest thing we have to the Rio....hmmmm. We could have it at the Concordia Tent right before Octoberfest!
  • I don't see the point of having a bunch of money leave the local poker economy?

    We're an optimistic group. We plan to leave with 2K each and return with hundreds of thousands. Sometimes you have to gamble...

  • BrennerM wrote: »
    I've thought about doing something like this in the past. I am interested if it is around $75 (or less) and I can make the timing work with my schedule.

    One option to let people miss games: have 12 people commit, but only play with 10 players each week. Have a first-come, first-served system for people to opt out of two different weeks. If they need to miss more than two weeks, they have to just be blinded out the other week(s) that they miss. Plan the money so that it is enough with only 10 people paying each week. Then everyone pays the same amount overall and everyone misses two weeks.

    Those who could theoretically make every single week would just have to pick a couple weeks to miss to even everything out.

    That is a great idea and something that crossed my mind as well. If we get enough interest we'll consider it.

  • I would love to host again...

    Maybe a $100 sng to warm up?
  • I live in downtown Toronto...I did not realize the games would be out in that region. Can you pm the address so I can look it up and see how far it would be for me? It would also depend on the days and time you would begin.

    As for the buy-in, I am fine with the $50-$75.
  • As usual, I agree with ReefAquarium, albeit for different reasons. I have participated in many other leagues and satellites for big events like the WPT and WSOP, so I know the advantages and disadvantages of many different points systems, structures, etc. Playing for a US event where there is 30% tax will make it -EV. As several of my friends have found out the hard way, they won big money in a US event but didn't have enough gambling loss receipts for the year so they lost $300,000+ PERMANENTLY to the IRS. You would be much better off playing for any tax-free event like WPT NAPC, BCPC, other CPT event, EPT or WPS event like the one I'm playing at the Dominican Republic all this week where the satellite participants will share in 100% of the winnings instead of only 70% after the withholding. For example, a forumer bought a piece of me for the CPT Finals so my winnings were paid 100% tax-free and he got 100% of his share.

    Anyway, I don't know why it took so long for K-W to have a no-brainer rake-free satellite league, so I'm very much interested, especially if the winner gets to choose which event he wants to play. Is anybody willing to carpool from Milton or anywhere along Highway 401 on the way to K-W?

    Posting from Internet Cafe in the Dominican Republic variance paradise before playing in the WPS Main Event.
    I don't see the point of having a bunch of money leave the local poker economy?
  • Hey Buddy,

    You bring up some great points in regards to being taxed. I think the main idea here is to satellite someone into a major tournament*. I would be open to the eventual winners deciding together which tournament they would like to participate in. I'm not married to the WSOP. Let's get some interest and see where we go from there. Would anyone that is currently interested no longer be interested if we were to play another major tournament* rather then the WSOP?


    *+$1000 entry fee
  • Sirus wrote: »
    I live in downtown Toronto...I did not realize the games would be out in that region. Can you pm the address so I can look it up and see how far it would be for me? It would also depend on the days and time you would begin.

    As for the buy-in, I am fine with the $50-$75.

    I would think either Sundays or Wednesdays however this is also open to discussion. I cannot do Thursdays or Mondays.

    You can type in 67 King st. E Kitchener, as this is central Kitchener. Anywhere we play would be within 10 minutes from this location (for the most part).

  • I'd be more interested if it didn't have to be the WSOP.
  • I am open to any of the $ amounts but would like to see higher > lower buy ins

    As for event, WSOP is the nutz. Yes BF has a point about taxes, but this is about sending someone (presumably one of the best players) from our area.

    If your looking at this a purely financial then go to the casino, be nameless and not have the camaraderie that this would offer.

    I am also open to hosting second Sunday night series, which would be a satellite into the bigger local tourneys likes this weeks $400 freezeout at Brantford. (although not with the 50% share that some other satellites are offering)

    Edit: I am out for every second monday and thursdays, but am open to any other days after 8PM. (ideally) -
  • Redington wrote: »
    I am open to any of the $ amounts but would like to see higher > lower buy ins

    As for event, WSOP is the nutz. Yes BF has a point about taxes, but this is about sending someone (presumably one of the best players) from our area.

    If your looking at this a purely financial then go to the casino, be nameless and not have the camaraderie that this would offer.

    I am also open to hosting second Sunday night series, which would be a satellite into the bigger local tourneys likes this weeks $400 freezeout at Brantford. (although not with the 50% share that some other satellites are offering)

    Yes, WSOP is a dream for some and not so much for others. I'm into a satellite as soon as you want for the Brantford $400.00. I find it's just much easier for me to convince the wife to spend $50, then $400 or a grand. You know what I'm saying.

  • We'll need a couple more players to make this fly. I would want to start by the first week of Feb. Would more people be interested if it were cheaper ie. we only sent one person to the WSOP or other major tournament of their choice?

  • stpboy wrote: »
    We'll need a couple more players to make this fly. I would want to start by the first week of Feb. Would more people be interested if it were cheaper ie. we only sent one person to the WSOP or other major tournament of their choice?

  • I really would like to play, but I do not think I can commit to go out there 6-8 weeks. At the same time, I think the way you have arranged it over that period is a great structure and I am not asking you to change it.

    I might have to sit this one out.

    Redington, I would play in your suggested satellites.
  • I am from burlington and i am interested in this just let me know where and when and i also can do the carpooling with my car burlington ,milton and hamilton,oakville area
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