He was the only one that replied... so by process of elimination, he won. In fact, he could have insulted me and I probably still would have given it to him.
Don't worry, I'll run something again and will start randomly shipping people cash for good posts. If you did actually try send me the link and I'll ship you 10k if its good
Sucking up > quality.. this is just like the discussion of the academy award in the Recent movies thread...
You forgot the rest of it....
Don't worry, I'll run something again and will start randomly shipping people cash for good posts. If you did actually try send me the link and I'll ship you 10k if its good
See here for my general opinion on this issue.
Woot! Now I can buy the clothes I've always dreamed of.
Do I get comps for that? How about 10K?
What packages do they have to keep whales happy?
Who's the casino host?
Hookers? Blow?
Thank you sir for your continued loyalty to our casino. We have sent you a gift of $700 to get back on your feet in these tough economic times.
PokerForum.ca Casino Host
... *10 min passes*
Darn broke again!
obv brag post about keeping it for 10 whole mins..
I need a refill too... apparently I'm as bad at fake blackjack as I am at the real one! :P
That system is betting all my casino cash on one hand of black jack whenever I remember the cash exists.
The only reason I've held on to this money is because I can't face that many clicks.
Hahaha... also there is a max bet of 10k so your system is blown.