Gift Certificate trade?

Hey all

I got a $50 gift card for Christmas from chapters... to be honest, there's not much that is really selling me on / .com right now, so Im' wondering if anyone want to swap 1:1.. I'd dig Futureshop / Best Buy, EB games / Microplay - pretty much any tech place..

Let me know if anyone's got an offer, and I'll consider it - anywhere except wal-mart.. I don't go to wal-mart



  • Surely there's a poker book that peaks your interest.

    If you don't get any takers I'll buy it off you for $40.
  • Davinci code FTW!
  • I could have used this post a couple weeks ago. I traded my $50 futureshop card to my wife for her $25 Chapters card, because I wanted books more.
  • Nice. JohnnieH skims 20% off his friend and BigMike's wife skims 50% off her husband because she has a vagina. Vagina FTW.

    Tell you what - I offer $100 in Walmart for $50 in Chapters and we can test DrTyore's morals as well.
  • moose wrote: »
    Nice. JohnnieH skims 20% off his friend and BigMike's wife skims 50% off her husband because she has a vagina. Vagina FTW.

    Tell you what - I offer $100 in Walmart for $50 in Chapters and we can test DrTyore's morals as well.

    Then his next post is:

    I have $100 in walmart that I will trade for $75 Future Shop ;)
  • Hobbes wrote: »
    Then his next post is:

    I have $100 in walmart that I will trade for $75 Future Shop ;)

    We'll see how much it takes to break him. Just making him touch the Walmart GC temporarily will be worth it.
  • Won't do Wal-Mart.... regardless of the odds...

    -ev on soul

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Won't do Wal-Mart.... regardless of the odds...

    -ev on soul


    But Mark, you could walk around pantsless, wearing those cute little happy-face boxers. Girls might think you're the "roll-back" dude, and do some rolling back of their own . . .

    On second thought, forget it. The only interest you'd probably get is from the Granny-greeters . . .
  • moose wrote: »
    Nice. JohnnieH skims 20% off his friend and BigMike's wife skims 50% off her husband because she has a vagina. Vagina FTW.

    You're just mad I bid first. Actually I thought Mark would make a counter offer then we would settle in the middle somewhere.

    Clearly he could find SOMETHING to buy for $50 instead of taking $40 off me.

    Mark just re-gift it for a birthday or something. Mine is next month :)
  • are you an irewards member?

  • no? Ok, how 'bout...

  • you'd even have money left over to buy me...


    srsly..who is buying and reading this shit?
  • Is there an oral rendition of that last one?
  • Did you have to research those books Kristy, or were they straight from your Christmas List?
  • 30% of gift certificates *never* get redeemed.. they are basically theft.
  • 30% of gift certificates *never* get redeemed.. they are basically theft.

    I'd say they're more like giving someone nothing, then.
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