Looking for games in KW area?

Hi, I just joined this forum pretty much so I can find a homegame in the Waterloo area preferably near Uptown or anywhere around the university. Pretty new to the waterloo poker scene and any kind of game would be good (cash or tourney whatever) as I'm just looking to meet some new people. So I hope I'm in the right place.


  • You are... just watch out for the "Bristol Street" games.. you'll meet tonnes


    Welcome btw

  • you have to post n00dz before you can go to a Bristol..

    ..at least that's what Rob told me.
  • My next tournament is going to be on February 7th. It should be posted in a couple of weeks.
  • Welcome to the forum. Buzzzard runs a nice tournament. Professional yet a friendly atmosphere. Good opportunity to meet new players there.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    you have to post n00dz before you can go to a Bristol..

    ..at least that's what Rob told me.

    link please
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