Phil Laak arrested for cocaine possession

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    Well played Sir!
  • lol nice Rick Roll
  • son of a god damn bitch

    wow you clowned the hell out of me
  • For suck fakes....

    I had the honor of avoiding this for the last nine months... even way back when all the cool kids were doing it.

    Ever feel like this board is the equivalent of a rural prairie high school were all the coolest things just take a few more seasons to get there?
  • Redington wrote: »
    Ever feel like this board is the equivalent of a rural prairie high school were all the coolest things just take a few more seasons to get there?

    No, it is like Vanilla just gets funnier with age
  • Redington wrote: »
    For suck fakes....

    I had the honor of avoiding this for the last nine months... even way back when all the cool kids were doing it.

    Ever feel like this board is the equivalent of a rural prairie high school were all the coolest things just take a few more seasons to get there?

    Agreed... But I think there's an excuse, everyone is so busy with poker they can't keep up with the latest internet trends and memes..
  • What is this internet of which you speak?
  • Redington wrote: »
    I had the honor of avoiding this for the last nine months... even way back when all the cool kids were doing it.

    ps. The cool kids know that Rick-rolling started in May 2007.

    ..and it still makes me laugh every single time! Lighten up!
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    ps. The cool kids know that Rick-rolling started in May 2007.

    ..and it still makes me laugh every single time! Lighten up!

    Its hilarious! and it is the first time I was successfully rickrolled without any idea.

    I just think it is funny that it just showed up here now.

    And I fell for it...fuck!

    BTW, I went to highschool in manitoba, man the mullet is just now becoming an UNstatus symbol
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