Rake-free home satellites

Our last satellite to Blue Heron was successful, so we're scheduling several more over the next few weeks, to Blue Heron events and also to the Blue Waters Classic(Pt. Edwards). Brantford events are also being considered.
All are held in Georgetown on Sundays 1:30 pm, and are usually over by 5pm.(single table 10 players only)
Winners of main events share 50% of proceeds with other players.
This is a great way to be represented directly, or indirectly, in these main events....at minimal cost....and...enjoy good poker with congenial players in a pleasant facility.
Contact me and I'll be happy to email complete info to you.


  • I am definitely interested and would like to play in them. What is the buy in and when is the next satellite?

  • Feb 1...$60 satellite to Blue Heron Feb 11
    Feb 8...$150 satellite to Blue Waters Classic March 29...TWO winners.
    Feb 14...$60 satellite to Blue heron Feb 25
    March 1...$60 satellite to Blue Heron March 11

    Also, thinking about $80 satelllite to Brantford $800. Feb 23 event----will maybe play on Feb 8th about 5pm, after the first Blue heron satellite is finished.
    For complete info, email me bstadius@aztec-net.com
  • Update re Brantford.....they say I definitely can not book a seat and then transfer it to the satellite's winner.
    I thought my persuasive abilities (lol) would allow them to bend their ridiculous rule for prepaid seats, but nooooo.....
    Blue Heron---no problem in this regard. Go figure.
    Anyways, looks like we will not be able to run a Brantford event satellite.
    ....unless another member comes up with another workable solution....
  • That sounds good. So do you want me to msg you the dates that I want you to put me down for?
  • Just include gas money in the prize, then the winner can drive or carpool to Casino Brantford up to 4 weeks before the event and pay with a credit card. You have the option of waiting to give him the actual cash when you are satisfied that he has registered. Registrations are available up to 4 weeks in advance, e.g., I'll probably register for the $800 March 30 (not February 23, which is $400) event earlier in the month.

    Your real problem is how to find enough committed players who comprehend that participating in rake-free satellites to big events is one of the best ways of making money in poker.
    PIRANHA wrote: »
    Anyways, looks like we will not be able to run a Brantford event satellite.
    ....unless another member comes up with another workable solution....
  • Sirus...will be good to have you participate. Email me your full name and email address and dates you want reserved. My email is bstadius@aztec-net.com

    Blondefish....good suggestions re Brantford....now let's see if we can interest 10 players at entry fee of say $90., for Brantford's March 30 event buyin $800....that will allow extra $100 cash for travel expense.
    Hopefully enough players will agree that this is one of the best methods to participate in big events and cash in with a modest investment. How does Feb 22nd sound to you?...and others?
    p.s...good luck in the Dom Rep...do us proud!!
  • i'm sure you'd likely find more players willing to play if winning a seat didn't mean they had to play it and split winnings 50/50. though splitting winnings effectively halves the sat buyin (i think, right?), i think a lot of people would rather have all of their action or not have to play and just take the money (or can't play for various reasons).

    that said, the idea of having a "rep" is kind of neat and you did say that you've had successful satellites in the past, so maybe i'm just talking out of my ass.

    best of luck with the sats!
  • Thanks. After my hot rush continued in yesterday's $550 GBH tournament, somebody is buying a piece of my action for the U$5,000 CPT Finals with a prize pool of over U$300,000.
    PIRANHA wrote: »
    good luck in the Dom Rep...do us proud!!
  • Hi,

    I'd be interested in coming out to these sats.
  • Let me know the date and time....somewhat interested....distance may be a problem.
  • zoolook...It's hard to please all players in every way, so this is the format we've developed that admittedly won't fill everybody's needs...but...lots of people do like it, and see it a means to get to a main event, directly or indirectly, that they wouldn't be able to otherwise....and in the process, enjoy some quality poker play, with quality players.
    To further clarify, if the satellite winner is unable/unwilling to play the main event, he/she has the option/obligation to have the second place finisher play...and in that case the satellite winner receives 15% of the pool, the main event player receives 35%, and the remaining satellite players split the other 50%.
    All of this is explained and documented in signed agreements prior to starting the satellites...and of course, these and other guidelines are emailed to any members signing up for events.
    Thanks for your good wishes...hopefully we'll win a big event one day soon, and all of our satellite players will benefit.

    crazykoby and Dead Money....email me, and I'll send you a return outline of dates and terms. bstadius@aztec-net.com
  • Who are the forumers that are going to today's rake-free satellite for Blue Water Classic?
    PIRANHA wrote: »
    crazykoby and Dead Money....email me, and I'll send you a return outline of dates and terms. bstadius@aztec-net.com
  • PIRANHA wrote: »
    Feb 1...$60 satellite to Blue Heron Feb 11
    Feb 8...$150 satellite to Blue Waters Classic March 29...TWO winners.
    Feb 14...$60 satellite to Blue heron Feb 25
    March 1...$60 satellite to Blue Heron March 11

    Also, thinking about $80 satelllite to Brantford $800. Feb 23 event----will maybe play on Feb 8th about 5pm, after the first Blue heron satellite is finished.
    For complete info, email me bstadius@aztec-net.com

    I be interested in the March 1 satellite; please put my name down for that date.
  • For at least the second satellite in a row, the winner was a non-forumer. He had bought seats for the preliminary Blue Water Classic events and was only going to play the $660 main event if he won a satellite at Point Edward, but now he gets to play thanks to the rake-free satellite.

    Thanks to the forumer whose brand new 17" HP laptop I ended up "baptizing" by playing four online tournaments. As usual when I play a live and online tournament at the same time, I become dead money and was out early again.

    I believe the next satellite will be next Sunday, February 15 (not 14) for the GBH $550 event. If there is enough interest among forumers, a future satellite can include an overlay of an almost-free flight to a big poker event, such as EPT Grand Final in Monte Carlo (April 28 - May 3), Canadian Open Poker Championship in Calgary (May 11-17) or WSOP (May 26 - June 2).
    pokerJAH wrote: »
    I be interested in the March 1 satellite; please put my name down for that date.
  • My apologies to some of the forum members....I've just moved all my files from one laptop to my new laptop, and in the process, due to my computer illiteracy, I've misplaced either the real person names and/or their email addresses.
    And I want to send these missing players the info on currrent plans for PIT no rake satellites.
    The four I've identified that I have only partial info for, are:
    Again, sorry for this, but if you could reply with your info, I'll be able to get the info to you right away.
    Thanks, Barry.(PIRANHA)<bstadius@aztec-net.com>
  • You have sent me the info...not my cup of tea. Can't see giving up that big a percentage to the others playing the satelite. 10% would be acceptable.

    GL with the game.
  • Congratulaions to our PIT member who took down the Blue Heron event yesterday! Job well done indeed!

    We've constructed our PIT satellites to replicate the main events as closely as possible, re blinds structure and starting chips...our only modification, in the interest of our time availability, is shortening the time for the blinds. So, it's been suggested, that our satellites, in particular, are good training grounds for their related main events.

    We still have three seats available for this Sunday's 1:30pm satellite, so let me know if you're interested.

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