Gold Medal Game

Heading into the second intermission and we are ahead. Tokarski (sp?) is holding down the fort, and making Quinn look like a genius for sticking with him. If we can stay out of the damn box, I think we're good for another twenty minutes.


  • As long as the fucking Swedish goalie stops acting like a little bitch...

    Good christ, and he's going to play NHL?!??!

  • After he picks up his best supporting Oscar, sure. He's got talent. He just happens to be a twat.

    I like that Subban kid more and more every shift. What a smart, disciplined, player.
  • Swedes are really trying to play things up. Holy shit, do they teach that shit over there, or what?

    Can someone tell me what we have to do to get a freaking call?!?
  • I`m pretty sure I heard an announcer give the name of the referee earlier on....

    Sounded like a LOT of s`s....

  • Milo wrote: »

    I like that Subban kid more and more every shift. What a smart, disciplined, player.

    And he just happens to be a Habs prospect!

    WTG Canada!!
  • Nice to see Esposito score the winning goal..... especially after trying out for the team, and getting cut, the last 3 years....
  • Esposito likes to choke.

    I saw him play alot when QC played DR and he's a selfish player and it's mostly just a name.

    I predict a fail in the nhl...
  • bit off topic but still hockey related... that's hillarious haha

  • DrTyore wrote: »
    As long as the fucking Swedish goalie stops acting like a little bitch...

    Good christ, and he's going to play NHL?!??!

    Mark was that..........he did know he wasn't playing soccer right?
  • Forget the goal medal game.. that semi final goal against russia with 5s left had me jumping up and down and unable to get GOAL or SCORE out of my mouth that I was hopping around saying GORE GORE GORE..
  • Too much TNA over at the Beeb's palatial estate, no doubt.
  • The semi final game against Russia found me at the BCC playing some 5/10 out in the main room....

    Canada scores, place goes nuts, Russia scores... SILENCE.. I say "that's not fair" to the dealer and he suggests I celebrate on behalf of Russia every time they score....

    So now everytime Russia scores, I'm yelling out things like "Let's go mail order brides!!!"..

    Well I was sweating and was sure I was getting shanked in the parking lot when Russia was ahead in the third with 1 minute left. Because I was now known as 'the Russian' at the table (among other names, Commie etc).

    I've never been so happy to see Canada score a goal....
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