Anyone else getting annihilated by a snow storm?

This is crazy. Apparently going to be keeping up like this all through Monday. Gonna hopefully build a wicked snow fort this weekend. Or at least build the Calvin and Hobbes Snowman House of Horror.


  • My 2 yr old was jumping up and down cheering about the snow this morning. I actually wish I could be home sledding with him this aft instead of in the office.
  • Don't be such a baby. :D

    It's gonna stop overnight. Just in time to go swimming tomorrow. Then, Sunday, we'll get a little bit more to tide us over until Christmas.
  • I'm just hoping that it slows down enough overnight that I can make the drive out to Horseshoe for the weekend.
  • Saw on tv some guy built a 2 storey snow man
  • ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh westside is coming up to phil's hood is he:)

    westside8 wrote: »
    I'm just hoping that it slows down enough overnight that I can make the drive out to Horseshoe for the weekend.
  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    Took one and a half hours straight to shovel my driveway. Whew! Now to get ready to go to

    Get a snowblower :)

    Here in KW we had 10-15 cm dumped on us. The snow wasn't the problem, it was the whiteouts and blowing snow squalls.
  • Took three times as long to drive home as it did to drive to work today. I love people who turn a three lane road into a two lane one. What really pisses me off is that next snow storm won't be ANY different. Years ago, My AZ license instructor had a great line.

    "Don't know how many boxtops it takes to get your license around here, but it isn't enough."
  • Shovelled the driveway twice already, thankfully it stopped but needs to be done once more.
  • 13CARDS wrote: »
    Very -EV IMHO.

    I had 4' drifts blocking both my doors but the toughest was the end of the driveway; snowplow-packed snow that was like concrete !?!

    This is the worst. It's an even bigger pain in the ass when you just finish shoveling and not 2 minutes later the plow comes down the street. Speaking of which, it is now 12:07, and the snowplow just came down my street about half hour ago. Hate living on a side street in the winter.
  • drove from waterloo to toronto today..... everyone was driving at 20km/hr (no lies). trip took like 3.5 hrs. lol
  • See Mark?!? Lots of time to make it down for the swim . . . LOL
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