Anyone else getting annihilated by a snow storm?
This is crazy. Apparently going to be keeping up like this all through Monday. Gonna hopefully build a wicked snow fort this weekend. Or at least build the Calvin and Hobbes Snowman House of Horror.
It's gonna stop overnight. Just in time to go swimming tomorrow. Then, Sunday, we'll get a little bit more to tide us over until Christmas.
Get a snowblower
Here in KW we had 10-15 cm dumped on us. The snow wasn't the problem, it was the whiteouts and blowing snow squalls.
"Don't know how many boxtops it takes to get your license around here, but it isn't enough."
This is the worst. It's an even bigger pain in the ass when you just finish shoveling and not 2 minutes later the plow comes down the street. Speaking of which, it is now 12:07, and the snowplow just came down my street about half hour ago. Hate living on a side street in the winter.