Poker Nights - 20 min to Hamilton, Cambridge, 10 to Brantford

I'm new to the Town of Paris, and I'm looking to get a good group of people together for a semi regular tourny night.

Paris is about 30 min from Kitchener, 20 min from Hamilton and Cambridge, 10 from Brantford.

If you're interested drop me a line and we'll see if we can get this started up.

Nothing to serious, just have some fun, and of course no rakes or fees of any kind. Just want to keep this fun and lagit.


  • If you could host it on a fri or sat nite I would be in for sure. I'm about an hour and a half away but would make the drive if it were a regular thing.
    Let me know.

  • im from kw... i would make the drive and im sure i could get a couple people together... keep me posted
  • Most likely Saturday nights would be the best for me.

    Keep the posts coming and I'll get it going if we can get enough.
  • Im in Guelph, could be down for a game.
  • gumby is the nicest guy ever.
  • gumby is the nicest guy ever...

    Thanks Joe. Nice Sarcasm.
  • I have about 8 replies so far.

    If anyone is intersted please post and lets try for early in the new year.
  • Gumby I am within a hour of you and may be interested in playing. Thursday is a good night for me and some sats when the other half lets me out.

    Thanks Pete R
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