Bristol Street Trends

Read into it as you will....

Grand Champions

2005 stpboy (Entrance via win)
2006 Sirwatts (Entrance via points)
2007 Kristy Sea (Entrance via win)
2008 Waltsfriend (Entrance via points)

Players of the Year

2005 Reddington (Finished 12th @ Grand Finale)
2006 Moose (Finished 16th @ Grand Finale)
2007 Itsame (Finished 8th @ Grand Finale)
2008 Buzzzard (Finished 18th @ Grand Finale)

Wildcard Entrant

2005 stpboy (Finished 1st @ Grand Finale)
2006 g2 (Finished 2nd @ Grand Finale)
2007 Westside8 (Finished 2nd @ Grand Finale)
2008 Hellmuth's Mole (Finished 16th @ Grand Finale)


  • I've crunched some numbers and generated the following:

  • Math rocks.
  • We could talk math for hours.

  • I think the trend may stop next year because I don't know anyone with 1.5 vaginas.
  • it'll be my girlfriend, because she's got me backing her..or sexy identical twins. The point is that poon is the new black.
  • That graph sucks, it's like you've pitched a ball right down the middle of the plate and no matter what if I hit it I'll get booed. I've got about 5 pent up homerun swings for it too!
  • don't hate me, hate science.

    ..and your parents for creating you with that poker deformity.
  • Am I slightly ahead of Watts in Vaginability? That's hawt!

  • Vaginability? I thought it was some kind of measure of breath.

    *Sandy excepted.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    Vaginability? I thought it was some kind of measure of breath.

    *Sandy excepted.

  • I've done some more research and developed a program that will generate a likeness of the '09 Bristol st. winner based on the upward vagina trend.


    That's more tough talkin' boy-crushin' woman than even I aspire to be.
  • Should have gone with "Abbie" from NCIS. *sigh*
  • 1202660267_pauleyp_clap1.jpgNah, this pretty much what I DO aspire to..

    (or at least ownership of that t-shirt)

  • You do know that the shirt can be yours for ~35USD ($19 plus a ridiculous shipping charge)? For those who don't know, it is available from, a "webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language". It is one of my favourites. "Hat guy" is particularly well done.
  • Ineedanick wrote: »
    You do know that the shirt can be yours for ~35USD ($19 plus a ridiculous shipping charge)? For those who don't know, it is available from, a "webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language". It is one of my favourites. "Hat guy" is particularly well done.

    Thanks for that.....I lol'd much.

  • I know, I'm a dork...but I love this one.

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