Season 10 set game!!

Below is the list of players who qualified to play the SET game in Season 10, along with your starting chip stack and your buyin for the game. Please confirm your seat before Thursday Dec 18 @ 2pm. If by some unfortunate circumstance, we have to postpone the game, we'll discuss it here on Thursday. When you confirm, I'll BOLD your name below.

Hope to see everyone who qualified out to play this last game before the holidays. Good luck!!!

DARRYL...2010...FREEROLLS Season Champion...gets his $120 back



If everyone shows up to play, the prize pool will be just over $1500. We normally payout Top Four at this game, but that can be decided upon at the final table as the game progresses.

Thanks for making it a great season!!


  • I'm in. I was in Brampton yesterday, and heard rumour of a chop??? J/K!
  • Kris started the rumour.

    He just doesnt want to bubble and get shutout.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Kris started the rumour.

    He just doesnt want to bubble and get shutout.

    Well.... we could always agree on top 5 payout and bubble Kris at 6!! Somethings are just meant to be. Kris is such a cute Bride's maid as well.
  • Eleanor and I are In....
  • In...

    What did I say????
  • i will be there
  • My work schedule makes it highly unlikely I can be there. I will also be in a course thursday night's till 10 starting Jan 15 for 6 weeks. Dammit why does real life have to get in the way of poker. If this changes I'll let you know.
  • Understandable Joe, but I still hope you can make it out.

    Only three players left to sign up. El, Justin, and Micheal...where ARRRRREE you??
  • In..., let's hope da streak continues
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    If everyone shows up to play, the prize pool will be just over $1500. We normally payout Top Four at this game, but that can be decided upon at the final table as the game progresses.

    Thanks for making it a great season!! has always been top 3, but usually on the bubble or the near bubble (5th) deals have been made to pay out those spots.
  • Always top 3 with less than 16 players, but the option is always open for anyone still in the game to chop it up whichever way they all agree to. Because of the number of players and the fact that we only had one two table game all season, the total pool is a bit lighter than past SETs so I have no issue keeping it to Top 3.
  • AJ, are you okay if I swing by before the SET starts to pick up your sponsorship $$$. Don't want to pre-empt anything, but I'm making the rounds of friends to night, so I'll be in the neighbourhood. Shoot me a PM, or respond here, whatever you prefer.
  • BigChrisEl wrote: »
    Eleanor and I are In....

    as per quote
  • Thanks Michael ;)

    You get an extra cookie tonight.
  • Missed the edit...

    Never had a doubt you wouldn't be there Eleanor...really, honest, never crossed my mind ;)
  • Start with 2 tables of 6 each, merge at 10.

    Good luck to everyone.

    Oh, and I should inform you...You'll get yet ANOTHER oppurtunity tonight to hear the Bruins clobber the Maple Laffs ;)
  • What a great night!

    First, my team pounced all over the Leafs with a major scoring game!

    Then, I managed to take the SET game!! SWEET! Allows me to break even for the season ;)

    Headsup against Steve, I have the monster stack in front of me, and limp in the small blind with AJo. Steve calls. Flop comes down JJ8 I think, and it goes check check. Turn comes a 6, and Steve makes a pair. I call, and its all over. What a crazy night...I think most of us last five on the table were at one time during the night, hanging on by a thread, only to chip up again and turn it into a very good game.

    Chris took down third spot, and we agreed to a chop for fourth that allowed Derek to take home some money too. Bubble was Darryl. Justin went back to back to chump out...very unusual for him, especially in the SET game.

    I want to thank all of you for making it a great season. I wish you all the best over the holiday season, and I hope to see you all back out in the new year for the next season.
  • GG all. WTF with Derek showing up to 1 game and taking all the monies?

    Have a great Christmas and see you all in the new year.

    Oh and dont forget to book Vegas! April 12 - 15 or 16.
  • Thank you AJ for being such a gracious host. Nice to hear you took it down last night. To everone at the Hill, Best wishes for a great year end and may your flips be winners in the new year.
  • Good game last night.

    I told Darryl that the chop was coming once he was busted, it was that we had to wait for him to go 5th before we could work it out.

    There was some good cake there last night. I would really like to know how Justin could make Rum into a solid form?

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year every one.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    GG all. WTF with Derek showing up to 1 game and taking all the monies?

    Have a great Christmas and see you all in the new year.

    Oh and dont forget to book Vegas! April 12 - 15 or 16.

    Trickery Darryl. Trickery indeed. - What is April 12-15? Do you know when the 09 WSOP schedule comes out? I was hoping we'd be there end of May beginning of June!

    To all interested, the final 4 were pretty well even stacked when the "bail out" was proposed.

    Ajay, good game. Well played. Thanks again for allowing us to play at the CHPR. GG to all of the $ winners.

  • Congrats AJ and all the money finishers.

    It was great to be back on the hill this season!

    As always, big thanks to AJ and the missus for putting up with us each week.

    Merry Christmas everyone!
  • Still interested in WSOP June.

    April is WSOP Circuit @ Caesars....$99 Westjet flights, FTW!
  • derksen wrote: »
    To all interested, the final 4 were pretty well even stacked when the "bail out" was proposed.

    Should have held out for more after busting Darryl out I think. After all, I did all the work ;)

    And don't new found wealth will be put to good use. Not only can I now afford some Christmas cheer, but now my daughter can get that kidney transplant she so desperately needs. I'll use that CR I got last night for the anesthetic and for disinfecting the tools I'll need, as I'll be doing the procedure myself at home to save money. Also, the wife can now start thinking about some luxuries like a clothes dryer. And the dog can now get that bone she always wanted too.

    Still...could use the winnings for that Vegas trip in April. Hmmmmmm...tough decision. Never been to Vegas...and I'm sure the kidney she has will hold out for another six months or so if she's careful.
  • If it doesn't, she's got another one . . . play your rush A.J., play your rush. :D

    Congrats to all the winners, and Merry Christmas to the entire Ching Hill League. Lots of Luck in 2009.
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