Guelph Thursday (Dec 11) AND Sunday! (dec 14)

Hey Guys,

So this thursday will be my regular tourney...20 min blinds, 7000 in chips..bla bla bla..same ol' same ol'. SHould be a good time...great starts at 7:30...

Sunday however, is a different story. Typically i host a semi-regular pot luck / poker game. That's whats going on on sudnay. The poker will strictly be a cash game (.25 / .50 so strictly for fun also), this will start at 1pm and go til roughty 4pm. At which point the poker players who want to hang out are more than welcome to join in the food and stuff. THe poker players who dont want to hang can head out! i figure it's a win win situation!
If you are planning on hanging out and eating, i would ask that you bring something to enhance the pot luck...if you are post in the comments what you plan on bringing so i can plan a little!
Nader and i will be providing the chili..and probably cheese..(because i really like cheese!).
Hope to see you guys thursday and sunday!


1. Mark
2. Paul
3. Adam
4. Adam 2
6. AJ
7. Keith (tent)
8. Jen 2

Sunday (poker)

1. Mark
2. Paul
3. Mikey
4. Lee
5. Haren
7. Jen
8. AJ
9. Chris (tent)
10. Harv
11. Keith


  • i'm not sure what's happening on thursday.. i may be back home.. so i may not be there but i'll update later.

    as far as sunday goes.. i think i may be able to as well.. this week is really up in the air.. but i'll try to be there.

    and by saying " Nader and i will be providing the chili" don't you mean to say.. Nader will be providing the chilly?
  • Nice!
    I am in for Thursday for sure.
    Will advise Thurs. night about Sunday.
  • I would like to come out on Sunday and play and get to meet some new people in the area. I'll bring some chips and salsa for the pot luck as well. Please PM me the directions and I'll see you there.
  • I will be there Thursday and AJ called me to say she wanted to go too, so I will let her know it is on.

    Sunday sounds like fun, I'll check my plans and let you know.
  • cool..keith, if your wife / daughter want to come to the potluck they are welcome as well..there will be a big variety of people there for it. (and if they want to play poker that's fine too, but no drooling on the cards!)
  • i'll be there for sure.
  • My 2 year old daughter wants to play. I'll let you in on her tell. If she chews on the cards, she's got the nuts.
  • I'm downgrading myself to tentative as I think I'm getting sick.

    I'm gonna rest and see but I am doubtful for tonight. I'll call you about Sunday. Mark.
  • hmm, that`s shitty..okay well...we have enough for a game...i`ll run her and see how it goes.. :) if someone else pulls out tho, i godda cancel! sunday should be fun tho! :)
  • in case you were concerned..this game is on tonight. i know there is only 6 of us..but hey..that means i might win! :D
  • just a bump....the game is on is the pot luck! :)
  • i will be there!

    i won't be bringing anything of substance.. meaning i'll bring chips.. pop.. deserts.. or something you can never have too much of.

    any word on jenn and co?
  • Yeah man, they'll be here..and chips and pop are wonderful!
  • is your g/f coming adam?
  • nah.. she has no interest in poker.. and no point driving from the gta later in the afternoon.

    hopefully some other time.
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