Dec 5 GUELph - reply quick!! ahh!!

Hey Guys!

SOo..i fully thought that if i posted a game tonight it wouldn't work because of bristol...but it appears that i have interest!
i will for sure run tonight...if everyone is still interested! :)

Call me and/or post here and i will do my best to get this shit together! sorry for the late post!
let me know asap!!!

you can call at 519-820-1430!!!! :) i'll post again asap! i'm at a future shop right now!


  • psht. way to be late.

    i'll be there... given i can get a ride from Timmeh.
  • december 5th or 4th? today is thurs the 4th, and I have to work (at future shop! lol only one in guelph:P) I can play friday if your hostin that day
  • oh shit...the 4th i meant! sorry! but you're welcome to join us next week if you're not working! :)
  • oh..uhh..GAME ON! we've got 8 players for sure so it should be a good time! see everyone at 7:30! : )
  • Timmehhh will be there.
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