guelph cash game poker

Hey all, new to site. Been lurking for a while checking out games I might attend.

Anyways, hosting a cash game. Blinds are 1/1, min buyin in 20. That's just how we play lol

Message or PM if interested


  • FYI

    These boards are patrolled by police officers - this means that they will read this post. Since your game is illegal (games similar to it have recently been busted), I suggest you have this thread deleted.

  • from what I understand a game is only illegal if we take a rake. the bar has been investigated by the gaming board and it was deemed legal if players are buying from the bar (ie a drink).

  • When you running?
  • Well, numerous other bar games have been busted, and they weren't necessarily taking a rake - basically the police can claim the establishment is benefiting from the game simply because it is causing more people to come and purchase drinks.

  • Thanks - I'll keep the location a little more private, but will still run it.

    It will be held probably around 1:00 pm on saturday. Time might be changed to sometime later.
  • Hey, could be interested. Could you PM me the details? Thanks.
  • I'm in....PM the location and time.
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