KWTC: Important update!!

Hello all

Well, it's been over two and a half years since we started the Kitchener Waterloo Triple crown. In that time, we have had 19 KWTC-eligible wins divided among 14 different participants. Further, the current amount of money in the KWTC is $372.

As you all know, the KW poker scene circa 2008 is a much different one than in 2006. Bristol street is running still, Cook Crew games have tapered off significantly, and the KPC games held by g2 are officially ended as he has moved to Ottawa. Further, numerous KWTC participants have approached both stpboy and myself regarding what should be done.

Since there are no games that are regularly held and attended with the frequency of Bristol street games, it is fair to say that the KWTC is no longer a sustainable activity. Simply looking at the list of winners shows the discrepancy with 12 Bristol winners, 3 KPS winners, and 4 Cook Crew winners. This not only makes gaining three wins exceedingly difficult, but it also provides an unfair advantage to any Cook Crew / KPC winners. Therefore, it has been decided that the KWTC will be coming to an end.

Obviously, stpboy and I considered taking the money and having a weekend bender, but then realized we have to interact with some of you again, so we've opted instead to hold a Triple Crown Freeroll. It is our proposal that we will select a date - several months from now to make sure that people can schedule themselves to attend - for those players who have at least one KWTC win. Further, we proposed that anyone with two wins (namely g2, 800over, Moose, DrTyore, & stpboy) will receive double the starting stack of the other winners (namely Zithal, 8ball, Haddon, kristysea, itsame, sstar, RangerMike, beanie_42, and 2bullets).

Now, some things we would like feedback on include: Potential buy-in for this event rather than freeroll to "top up" the pot. The payout structure (winner take all / tiered). Zithal Rob has graciously offered to host this event.

If anyone has any comments / concerns / rants that they would like addressed that are not related to this freeroll, please PM myself or stpboy.



  • Since the KWTC was technically a winner take all. The tourney should be a WTA freeroll.
  • I like Winner-take-all for 1st place money $372. But how about $20 buyin from everyone to pay 2nd and 3rd?

  • I would be up for a $20-$40 buyin using std distribution with $372 added to the winner.
  • moose wrote: »
    I would be up for a $20-$40 buyin using std distribution with $372 added to the winner.

    This was also my suggestion to Mark....

    My other suggestion was to blow this pop stand with the $372 and live a romantic life together where noone would ever find us...

  • moose wrote: »
    I would be up for a $20-$40 buyin using std distribution with $372 added to the winner.

    If the $372 goes to the winner then I'd vote for a higher buy-in. If you spread the $372 among the top 3 then I'd be fine with the $20. I'd also suggest a relative deepstack. That way I can play stupidly for longer. And I suggest you let Moose use his chips for the tourney cause he'll have a friggin aneurism if we don't play with them soon. ;-). Also there has to be some kind of trophy or ass kissing(literally) or some kind of prop bet for all concerned. I'm willing to add a couple of bucks to the pot to have some kind of KWTC King of the Donkeys T shirt or Trophy made. Somebody with some wit* should be able to come up with a very interesting side bet.....

    *not me.
  • 800OVER wrote: »
    And I suggest you let Moose use his chips for the tourney cause he'll have a friggin aneurism if we don't play with them soon. ;-).

    Ooh...much man love...
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Cook Crew games have tapered off significantly
    First, my apologies for this. A lot of this is due to increased work commitments and an even more hectic family schedule now that the kids are getting older. I've tried to get things going again, but repeatedly find it difficult to find dates that work for me and aren't already taken by other tournaments. So sorry for not being able to host more, but I think ending the KWTC is a good idea.

    Now as far as the freeroll, I think it's a great idea. I don't mind any of the current proposals, however I'd like to offer another one. It is not necessarily the fault of those who didn't win a KWTC or Cook Crew (due to the lower frequency), so they shouldn't necessarily be penalized for it. However, the double winners obviously should have some sort of advantage. Also, some people who were expecting a freeroll might not want to play if they have to pay. Looking at the numbers, each win is worth roughly $20, so why not have a triple buy-in tourney (3x $20) with each win covering a buy-in. Then those with a single win can choose to play it single stacked as a free-roll, or double/triple stack with a $20 or $40 buy-in. The double-winners would automatically get a double-stack with the option to get a third stack for $20. This would provide the most options for those playing, pad the pot even more, and provide a level playing field (while still giving a nod to the double-winners). Just my 2c.

    Also, I'd say pay normal top 3 (50/30/20), since the extra buyins/chips pretty much even things out anyway.
  • 20000 chips $40 + 2 wins
    15000 chips $40 + 1 win
    15000 chips $20 + 2 wins
    10000 chips $20 + 1 win
    10000 chips $0 + 2 wins
    5000 chips $0 + 1 win

    I like Beanie's idea but 2 wins should get you more chips than the rest. I put the whole structure in there but I can't really see anyone not taking the full $40 buyin. I also don't think 2 wins should get you double chips.
  • moose wrote: »
    20000 chips $40 + 2 wins
    15000 chips $40 + 1 win
    15000 chips $20 + 2 wins
    10000 chips $20 + 1 win
    10000 chips $0 + 2 wins
    5000 chips $0 + 1 win

    I like Beanie's idea but 2 wins should get you more chips than the rest. I put the whole structure in there but I can't really see anyone not taking the full $40 buyin. I also don't think 2 wins should get you double chips.

    Illiminate the Bottom 4 options......simply make the decision how much the buyin is. Makes it much simpler. Majority rules. It's either a freeroll, a $20 buyin or a $40 buyin. Then give the double winners a third/quarter more chips. Regular Bristol blind schedule with $6000 chips for the single winners and 8-9k for the the double winners. (Or 7k and 10k or whatever) Gives us more chips than a normal bristol but we can't be here all day. Same buyin for all.
  • Why not have a bracketed heads up coin toss tournament for the cash?
    I can play from here.
  • Of course you two think it should be a double stack, you both have two-legs.

    The double stack is the worst idea ever..

    I want my triple crown money back if I don't have the option to at least buy in on a level playing field, where we start with the same amount of chips. I could harp on about Bristol's having twice as many people as cooks or kpc, I could bitch about the fact that I won several so therefore you double leggers are competing against less people in this proposed tournament. etc.

    Trevor's idea isn't perfect...but it is the best one so far..make it a three part buy in and give the 2xwinners 2/3 buy ins...nobody is in for free, nobody is given an unfair advantage.

    The simplest option is to split the pot proportionally between the winners.
  • I like these 2 options.

    1) Open to anyone
    $20 buy-in for 2x winners
    $40 buy-in for 1x winners
    $60 buy-in for anyone else

    2) Open to KWTC winners only
    $20 buy-in for 2x winners
    $40 buy-in for 1x winners

    My favourite is 2) because it would limit the field and allow for more play in the tourney schedule.

    Like Kristy says, I like the idea of having a larger starting stack, but I would hate the idea of having a smaller starting stack - so keep it equal.

  • I'm sure the suggestion of the "double stack" is not the only option. I think Shannon and Mark (myself?)are simply trying to come up with a suggestion that maintains the advantage that they currently hold in the Triple crown. Having a bigger overlay is not the same as an advantage. As it currently stands the overlay is getting larger all the time as we've all won at bristol and anyone still putting money in the pot is providing more....Being on the list does not imply ownership of a slice or portion of the $372. Some people probably paid the triple crown 5-10 times before they won. I'm sure someone won very quickly. It is not uncommon to have some type of handicap/advantage to reward previous play. I'm sure we're all smart enough (even Kristy) to come up with something that maintains some advantage in play *. I do seem to remember Mark or Shannon first suggesting a while ago that only 2 time winners be involved in the tourney. All winners are being included (good decision). No one put money into the triple crown expecting it to be split 19 ways, so it shouldn't be. It should be awarded in a tourney. At least that's how I feel....

    *I get dealt 5 hole cards or something.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    The simplest option is to split the pot proportionally between the winners.

    ...Speaking of worst ideas ever.


    "no i din't"
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »

    The simplest option is to split the pot proportionally between the winners.

    Please donate my $8 or whatever to NAMBLA.
  • stpboy wrote: »
    ...Speaking of worst ideas ever.

    I don't want $8..I want you to start including Buzzards tournament and one other series and complete the triple crown.

    But since YOU can't, I also don't want you two to pick some arbitrary day that obv will suit you both and watch someone else who has been paying into this miss out, because the scheduling will be impossible.

    I liked this idea originally because a triple crown means something, and requires more than just one night luck.

    You've turned it into just another k-w donkfest.
  • the point is that if YOU want to quit running this tournament YOU could simply ship everybody with a win their fair share of the pot on Stars...and you'd be done with the KWTC by tonight.

    But you'd rather have a huge advantage as determined by yourselves to take $370+ wouldn't you?

    I don't think you're being intentionally malicious, but there's no question that your suggesting 2xstack and choosing the day... is little more than robbing us.
  • Kristy

    I hear your concerns, but I mean, if we end up giving three months notice, how can that possibly NOT be schedule-able for everyone? Further, I had merely suggested the 2x starting stack, and we're looking for feedback. This is the point of this thread, as well as conversations I've had with several KWTC winners / participants as to what should be done.

    Also, to avoid thread hijacking / side arguments, let's chat on phone / msn / PM's.

  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I don't want $8..I want you to start including Buzzards tournament and one other series and complete the triple crown.

    My tournaments would be glad to become part of the triple crown.
  • DrTyore wrote: »
    Also, to avoid thread hijacking / side arguments, let's chat on phone / msn / PM's.

    Wow, a reasonable suggestion... lol... to take something offline preventing the inevitable side taking, insults, slams, etc.... How novel... :) Have we ever tried that around here...? Well done Mark..
  • $372 / # of winners * number of wins = each persons share.

    Ship it on stars.

    Move on to new Tournament Challenge winner format.
  • Buzzzardd wrote: »
    My tournaments would be glad to become part of the triple crown.

    You gonna start holding these on any other day but Saturday afternoon?
  • Direct quote from Shannon in the KWTC rules thread....I'm sure we've all read it:

    The organization of this is run in conjunction with Mark Breaton (DrTyore).* Him and I reserve the right to make changes to the above rules in cooporation with* participant majority.*

    The rules state if one of the three venues no longer runs tourneys that the money will be put into a freeroll for those with at least one win.

    I have no problem with some kind of vote to determine the tourney set up....we just need something that a majority can agree on. (again possibly myself or not, or Kristy for that matter.) There will be no complete consensus. Not everyone will be happy. As a married man I'm used to this. Let's figure this out. Have a tourney and let's get it done. PM everyone on that list and make sure they are following this thread.
  • compuease wrote: »
    Wow, a reasonable suggestion... lol... to take something offline preventing the inevitable side taking, insults, slams, etc.... How novel... :) Have we ever tried that around here...? Well done Mark..


    you put up a tangent post on the evils of tangent posts?!? Did they have the short bus in wwII? That is probably the stupidest post ever put on this forum.

    but for the record:

    Mark+Shannon=how do you want us to end this? Option A

    Trevor: Option B

    Kristy: A sucks because... and B is better because, and C is immediate

    Shannon: FUCK C..and I don need ta give no stinkin' reason

    Kristy: Yup you do. But incase you misunderstood c: is an option because it is fast and..... a: is fucktarded because...

    Mark: I can't defend and I haven't listened to you once in the THREE times we've talked about the triple crown and what to do.
    But I like seeming like the nice guy, and you've made me out to be a I'm going to pretend like I'm interested in doing the right thing..and as a fail safe I'm going to try and stop you from continuing to make me look/feel like a douche in a place where I can be held accountable for my actions by suggesting the pseudo-mature "let's chat in private" despite having created this fucking thread to debate our options, and ignoring that you kristy have done exactly that.

    Jeff: I like the sound of my own voice!

    If you're going to waste my time, do it by being funny, intelligent or interesting please. srsly, post in the porn thread.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    Jeff: I like the sound of my own voice!

    lol, you got that right......... Have a good day Kristy....
  • I have been putting off my upper body hair removal for some time now!


    Cost: $372.00

    Milton "Hairy Upper" Slim
  • My vote is a Winner-Take-All "Ironman" Format where participants who only got one win have to shotgun a beer before the tournament starts.

    It's really the only fair solution available at this point.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    My vote is a Winner-Take-All "Ironman" Format where participants who only got one win have to shotgun a beer before the tournament starts.

    It's really the only fair solution available at this point.

    Now this is the most sensible thing that has been written thus far. Can I add that those that have two wins have the option of shot gunning two beers? Or is that just another unfair advantage?

  • hey guys,

    just looking for a game in waterloo tonight.... tournament, s n g , cash game.... please keep me posted

  • Well that was random....
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