Game 11

Heading to the end of the season, with only two games left to play, Darryl has a comfortable lead and it certainly looks like he'll take it down this time. But not without a fight

Who's In?

1 - AJ
2 - Garry
3 - Darryl
4 - Kris
5 - Eleanor
6 -
7 - Micheal
8 - Allan
9 - Justin
10 - Steve
11 -
12 -


  • I'm a maybe. This new job is killing me. If I get out at a reasonable time I'm coming. I'll post or phone by 6 either way. I can't access the forum from work now so if I'm late it will be a phone call.
  • Let me know as soon as you can Joe please.

    Getting abit tougher lately to fill the game...hope we get a couple more players signed up for tonight.

    For the early birds, if you don't see my truck in the driveway when you get to my place, don't sweat it. Have to drive the kid to Mayfield to submit her high school application. WOW...hard to believe my daughter will be high school next year.
  • In..., if it's a regular game
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Let me know as soon as you can Joe please.

    For the early birds, if you don't see my truck in the driveway when you get to my place, don't sweat it. Have to drive the kid to Mayfield to submit her high school application. WOW...hard to believe my daughter will be high school next year.

    Look who's getting older!!! HAHAHAHA!

    Milton Young
  • ddmilcan wrote: »
    Look who's getting older!!! HAHAHAHA!

    Yep, and its scary!! She's already asking about borrowing the truck to out on dates!
  • Come on guys...stop lurking and sign up!!
  • I will make the treck to Ching, once I get this @#$@$@$@ program working.
    Sorry Outside voice by mistake
    and I'll bring Jeff too! and maybe Big Bob
    Don't let her out, Don't let her date, Don't.

    Oh! the hell with it, worry like the rest of us!

    Milton Slim
  • You mean tonight, Dave? If so, confirm all who are coming and I'll be sure to have their seats open for them. Send you the address later for you.

    She's lucky there isn't a padlock on her bedroom door yet!! YET!!

    My father was right...I hate that the most...he only had sons. Laughed at me when my daughter was born. I can still hear him chuckle.
  • Program will still be pissin' me off for another month with testing
    Milton Slim

    2 girls, one boy, boy easier
  • If we don't get enough people for a regular game I will drop out... AJ, please post by 7:20 pm to confirm the regular league game...
  • Sorry for the late post, been out for a while, I'm in. Hope that saves the game.
  • If Joe can make it, yes, that will do it. I won't hear from him until 6 at best. Be nice to get Justin or Derek or Steve to sign in too, just to make sure though.
  • Just got back from Cambridge, was not sure we would be back in time but a little food and I am on my way.
  • GAME IS ON!!! Don will make it a solid 8 player game, 9 if Joe can make it too.

    Thanks guys.
  • I don't feel bad now, I just got home and there is no way I will make 8 pm. Next week I think I got to schedule leaving from work hit a strip club then come to play. Yes that's the plan :)
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I don't feel bad now, I just got home and there is no way I will make 8 pm. Next week I think I got to schedule leaving from work hit a strip club then come to play. Yes that's the plan :)

    Great plan...IF you plan on bringing some of them with you ;)

    See you next week Joe
  • Im in for this week. Hope im not to late
  • Sorry won't make it AJ. Snowing hard as I started out and at the corner they were unwrapping a van from around a pole. I turned around more because of the drive home. See you next week.
  • Justin IN...Don OUT!!

    man, is it me, or is this game getting hard to fill than ever??
  • Darryl continues his winning ways tonight, taking first place again after his pocket 8's boated up against Allan's A2s. He definitely had the deck working for him tonight.

    Steve took third place and Garry was bubble. Justin was tonight's Chump, only his second time ever in the league.

    Good game everyone. See you next week for the final regular season game. I'll update the Leader Board by Saturday.
  • There is no excuse for some of the stuff I did tonight. I honestly dont feel very good about it. Play bad - Run good.

    Plus I pissed my pants. That was fun.
  • Pissing yourself was only an excuse to sit to the end, hoping it would dry before you had to leave!

    You were getting away with a lot of shit last night, that's for sure. No one should be that lucky THAT often!! It ain't natural.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    There is no excuse for some of the stuff I did tonight. I honestly dont feel very good about it. Play bad - Run good.

    Plus I pissed my pants. That was fun.

    That was the highlight of my evening.

    Well, that, and hearing Allan say "my junk is frozen". Because, really, who doesn't love to hear about frozen junk?

    Congrats on another win.

    P.S. You suck. :D
  • FINALLY got Excel to work again on my computer, so I've updated the spreadsheet and will be sending it out soon to everyone.

    Here's the current Leader Board as of last night's game. Darryl is untouchable now.
    (Eleanor, you're absolutely right...HE SUCKS!)

    DARRYL 490.07
    ALLAN 383.75
    KRIS 294.77
    A.J. 283.76
    GARRY 254.47
    CHRIS 226.3
    ELEANOR 225.07
    JUSTIN 221.02
    STEVE 202.06
    MICHEAL 187.17
    DON 163.35
    DEREK 149.62
    JOE 90.28
    AARON 53.6
    MIKE 41.84
    RUSS 22.69
    JEFF 13
  • I just had an epiphany.

    I just finished watching for the fifth or sixth time, LIVE FREE OR DIE HARD...the fourth installment of the Die Hard franchise.

    The main character, portrayed by Bruce Willis, is JOHN McLANE, an cop who prefers to live in relative obscurity, but is forced into situations that demand he sacrifice himself for the good of family, country, or just plain old ethics. His foes are numerous, often accompanied by armies of brutal soldiers of fortune, all highly skilled in the arts of war, combat, martial arts, and hideous other acts of torture and human suffering.

    McLane is forced to combat these types of individuals single handedly (although he did get help from Zeus in the third film), and must tap into his very soul to fight against all odds and pull off miracle rescues at the last minute. I mean, how many times can a guy get blown up, shot at, chased by burning flames, jump from 80 story buildings while hanging onto a fire hose that just INCREDIBLY manages to get its own harness jammed against a building foundation just in time to save his ass? How many times has this man been shot, yet found a way to overcome diversity and win the day? How many foes does it take to put this man down for good?

    The world may never know. McLane is luck personified. Even in his advanced age, he still manages to pull off one miracle after another again and again and again.

    This has lead me to my epiphany (highlight below)

  • Anyone who can guess the SUPER SECRET PASSWORD to next week's game gets 50 bonus chips for the SET game.

    Hey...MY HOUSE...MY RULES!!
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