FINAL POLL - Merry Xmas Maddness

Hey all,

Found a couple new dates that are good for me and eliminated some of the poorer choices. Please use this poll to indication your preferences. (NOTE: You can select multiple choices)

I'll nail down the exact date this weekend, so that people can make plans!


  • Still Jan 2 works best.
  • Jan 2nd personal preference, Dec 28th definitely out, but the other 2 are ok...
  • Yeah
    Thought I had already entered this discussion?

    Milton Slim
  • Hey all,

    Unless something crazy comes up in the next couple days.. Friday, Jan 2rd is 90%. I'll make the official call by the end of the weekend.

    (If you need to book off time, this is highly unlikley to change)
  • Just an FYI that we're locked on Friday, Jan 2nd. The official invite will be coming out in a week or two.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Just an FYI that we're locked on Friday, Jan 2nd. This is my official invite.
  • So I can drink, IN!!!

    Milton Slim
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