Game 9

Only four games left in the season, hard to believe, but true. If you haven't been out yet you better get to every game if you hope to play the SET game.

Who's In?

1- AJ
2 - Darryl
3 - Allan
4 - Garry
5 - Eleanor
6 - Joe
7 - Chris
8 - Kris
9 - Steve
10 -
11 -
12 -


  • in....

    Darryl, I left my coffee mug in your car when we went to Ryder, can you bring it thurs....

  • In.

    Please note: I'll be playing all suited Aces and rivering flushes.

    You've been warned.
  • I'm in.....
  • Bubble #6 here I come...
  • Out again..., work out of town, Justyce sick again, satellite re-alignment, x-mas decorations..., nuff said

    Next week looking promising... hopefully
  • i will be there
  • No Justin? No Derek?

    Who else am I going to bluff off a pot??
  • I won't be coming, I just got in from work and have a horrible migrane. I'm off to bed.
  • Allan took the game down tonight. Matter of fact, I don't he was really short stacked at all tonight. Played very well, and managed to avoid nasty flops most of the evening. Second place was Garry, his first money of the season, and Eleanor takes home third place money. I was Bubble, and Kris was Chump (hey, its not bubble, right?)

    Weird night compared to last week's game. Last week, we were in the money shortly after break. Tonight, we didn't get chump until well after break time. Most of us were incredibly short stacked at one point or another, only to bounce back up a bit and fight some more with 10+bb. But there can be only one...ALLAN...THE HIGHLANDER!

    See you all next week.
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