Remembrance Day

Today is the 90th anniversary of the end of WW1. As you can see from my avatar, I take Remembrance Day pretty seriously. Today, men and women from our Armed Forces are in harms way in several locations across the globe. In spite of what you may feel about the legitimacy of those missions, I would like you to take a minute today and think of the sacrifices they make in the service of our country. These sacrifices are not just physical, but emotional as well. And they do it, not from a sense of adventure, although that can play a small role for some. They do it because they love this country, and because they want to give something back. Today is our turn to give something back to them, even if it is just our thoughts and prayers. God's blessing on all those who have served, and on those who still do . . .


  • Their sacrifices were not in vain.

    Always remembered...

    Lest we forget.
  • I wondered what you guys thought about bumping the same remembrance thread each year...that way we get an ongoing list of thanks?

    Something about it appeals to me.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    I wondered what you guys thought about bumping the same remembrance thread each year...that way we get an ongoing list of thanks?

    Something about it appeals to me.

    Good Idea

    Thank You Men in Flanders Field
    You used yourselves to give us Shield
    I salute You all"

    Milton Slim
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