Winter Forum Challenge

As some of you know, last year there was a challenge to complete a triathlon. A couple of forumers took part and as one of them I know it really helped me out.

This was a great motivator for both of the parties involved and I want to set up another one;

I had suggested a MMA fight between DrTyore and me but I don't think he is having it. Of course, he did rebut the MMA fight by suggesting a 'Fencing' match. He is so into manlove.

Maybe a half marathon (even prophet could do that in 6 months), or a 48-72 hour wilderness endurance race, Thai Kickboxing? Swimming across lake Ontario? A cross country mountain bike race? a Body building contest?

I don't know, anything that would be a challenge to complete in 6 months.

Suggestions? Do you want in?


  • I plan on being lazy for the next month or so... but then I'm gonna get my ass back to the gym.

    My plan will be to put on some muscle, then get into yoga and maybe spinning in an effort to get my bodyfat% down really low. In the spring I'm planning on running a 10k, then a half, then a full marathon. In the past I have done two 10k's and one half (2h 45min - hottest day of the summer though). My goal for the half is going to be to break 2hours, maybe even 1h 45min, and to do the full in under 4.5 hours - or 4 even if I can do a half in 1:45.

    I'd be interested in some kind of wilderness endurance challenge.

  • I'll hand out the water along the way, and take some pictures.. :)
  • <Pulls up lawn chair, hands Wes a beer . . .>
    So Wes, what's with the camera? And who are all the bottles for?
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