Open letter

:DHey Rocco, thank you for the PM. Tell you what: I'd like to apologize.

My intention in calling BS on you was not to get you banned from this site. I believe you will take care of that on your own. It bothered me a little that you persisted with the charade after being outed, but thats no big deal either.
You are laboring under a few misconceptions. I did not come here from HPT, it was the other way around. This community, like HPT, is an interesting group. The only reason for calling you out was to let them know what they were in for, in the same way that you would warn a friend against seeing a crappy movie, or getting involved with Amway. Sorry if that bugs you, but tough titties.
You will not be hearing from me any more today and, once you do, lets start fresh. I won't call you a psychopathic troll, you won't call me a motherfucker. Regardless of your response, that is my intent. You and Patty have a good day, and we'll see you on the forums . . .
at least, until you get yourself banned (sorry, couldn't resist). :D

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