Poker overseas / Slovenia?
Anyone here familiar with any games in the former Yugoslavia? I will be staying an hour outside of their large city Ljubljana which I do believe has a couple casinos but I am not sure if they have poker rooms.
I leave today for a week.
I leave today for a week.
Not a chance. The vending machine thread is still way out front.
Well I have managed to find out of a few casinos not too far from here and I will head out tonight to get my share of the euros. :canada: I will try to keep you posted..
Esool in Slovenia.
What vending machine thread??
Thank god someone uses the forum Search feature...
7,593,209 bonus points to Gide. :cool:
What there's a search option? Where? (hoo it's in the tool bar...
i've spend 20 minutes looking for that thread... :banghead:
I ended up going a whole week without playing a game. Perhaps the time off from playing and only reading about poker will help me for this Saturdays Tourney?...
*I don't think this thread can even compete with the vending machine thread..
Glad you had a good time, esool, despite the fact that they don't know about Texas hold'em in that part of the world...
What tournament is on Saturday? I can't go anyways, but I'm just curious. I'd search for the info, but I have no idea how to do that.
I sent you and a few others an email a while back...
Looks like it sold out at around 50+ players this time.