A message to Graham.

Graham, are you going to allow 'Compuease' a forum Moderator to post my private e-mail address information on this goddamn forum for everyone to see?!?

Will this information be removed or not Sir?!?

Ban me for all I fkng care, but this is bullshit and you know it!

How in the hell is ''Compuease'' a forum Moderator following your own forum rules by this behaviour?
And then you folks wonder why I am fkng cursing!?!? WTF did you expect??

You will hear from an attorney if necessary Sir.

I originally came to this forum to chat and socialize and this has gotten way out of control thanks to my stalkers from HPT; Dr Neau, Big Mike, Midnight Rose & Milo.

And now your own fucking moderator ''Compuease'' went even further by posting my personal fucking e-mail info for everyone to see!?! How old is this moderator anyways? Sixteen!?

Now, ''DrNeau'' private messaged me that "He knows where I live now and that I should be 'careful' because there are crazy people,out there".
A veiled threat perhaps?!
Please bring it on DrNeau, I would ''love'' to be your Huckleberry.
I will teach you some ''Hebrew exercises'', lessons are free of charge.

Graham, so far you have seemed like a very decent person, I ask you to Please do something about this a.s.a.p. Sir.


  • has the post in question been deleted? can't seem to see any email details as you have suggested? If you can back it up, you have some valid points.
  • pokerJAH wrote: »
    has the post in question been deleted? can't seem to see any email details as you have suggested? If you can back it up, you have some valid points.


    His emails were included when they were showing that he was using two different accounts from the same IP.
  • Rocco wrote: »
    You will hear from an attorney if necessary Sir.

    Uhhh...you're in "North Texas". Graham's in Canada...
  • Rocco wrote: »
    [/COLOR] How old is this moderator anyways? Sixteen!?

    This is hilarious.

    POTD :-)

  • DrNeau wrote: »
    Uhhh...you're in "North Texas". Graham's in Canada...

    Yeah no shit, But I can at least try right?
  • DrNeau wrote: »

    His emails were included when they were showing that he was using two different accounts from the same IP.

    Don't change the subject you fkng lowlife. You know that I only created 'PattyCakes' to try and confuse you AFTER you started fucking with me ONCE AGAIN on yet another forum that you went OUT of your way to join so that you could continue to harass me.

    What, getting me banned from HPT wasnt enough for you and that cunny Midnight Rose? You had to harass me at Chiptak too? Now you fuckers followed me here all the way to fkng CANADA to fk with me??

    And now somehow you and MidnightRose convinced this joke of a Moderator "Compuease" to post my info for all to see.
    Up until then, I was being a perfect gentleman. Now I am on a fucking tyrade which is what you wanted to happen all along now wasnt it DrNeau?
    Where do you live?
    Wanna meet with me since you are 'so concerned' about my safety?
    I'll bet that you don't have the caJones to meet with me son.
  • Rocco wrote: »
    Don't change the subject you fkng lowlife.

    - You complain to Graham about your email address being posted
    - Someone says they can't find it
    - I post a *link* to it to prove YOUR POINT, because frankly I don't agree with it being post either

  • Rocco wrote: »
    Don't change the subject you fkng lowlife. You know that I only created 'PattyCakes' to try and confuse you AFTER you started fucking with me ONCE AGAIN on yet another forum that you went OUT of your way to join so that you could continue to harass me.

    What, getting me banned from HPT wasnt enough for you and that cunny Midnight Rose? You had to harass me at Chiptak too? Now you fuckers followed me here all the way to fkng CANADA to fk with me??

    And now somehow you and MidnightRose convinced this joke of a Moderator "Compuease" to post my info for all to see.
    Up until then, I was being a perfect gentleman. Now I am on a fucking tyrade which is what you wanted to happen all along now wasnt it DrNeau?
    Where do you live?
    Wanna meet with me since you are 'so concerned' about my safety?
    I'll bet that you don't have the caJones to meet with me son.

  • DrNeau wrote: »
    - You complain to Graham about your email address being posted
    - Someone says they can't find it
    - I post a *link* to it to prove YOUR POINT, because frankly I don't agree with it being post either


    Yeah, I am sure that you are real sorry buddy. Riiiiiiiiiight....

    You are such a nice guy who only intended for good to come from all of this eh? Suuuuuuuuuure.....

    Let's get together DrNeau....We can 'spar' a bit. It will be a great workout, I guarantee it. I can teach you the finer points of Krav Maga you rat bastard.
  • Rocco wrote: »
    Now I am on a fucking tyrade which is what you wanted to happen all along now wasnt it DrNeau?
    Where do you live?
    Wanna meet with me since you are 'so concerned' about my safety?
    I'll bet that you don't have the caJones to meet with me son.

    Actually no. I was hoping you'd say, "Yeah, that's me...and I've learned how to be a good forum member".

    And no, I really don't have much interest in getting into fist-o-cuffs over forum postings.

    And yes, I actually am concerned that you'll eventually piss off some whack job. Some of the stuff you said on ChipTalk was pretty nasty.

    For the record, I didn't chase you to FTP or ChipTalk. I didn't see the FTP stuff until the other day. And although I've been a member of ChipTalk since 2005, I haven't logged into it until just the other day (right after you got banned).
  • Graham, are you going to allow 'Compuease' a forum Moderator to post my private e-mail address information on this goddamn forum for everyone to see?!?

    Will this information be removed or not Sir?!?

    Ban me for all I fkng care, but this is bullshit and you know it!

    How in the hell is ''Compuease'' a forum Moderator following your own forum rules by this behaviour?
    And then you folks wonder why I am fkng cursing!?!? WTF did you expect??

    You will hear from an attorney if necessary/possible Sir.

    I originally came to this forum to chat and socialize and this has gotten way out of control thanks to my stalkers from HPT; Dr Neau, Big Mike, Midnight Rose & Milo.

    And now your own fucking moderator ''Compuease'' went even further by posting my personal fucking e-mail info for everyone to see!?! How old is this moderator anyways? Sixteen!?

    Now, ''DrNeau'' private messaged me that "He knows where I live now and that I should be 'careful' because there are crazy people,out there".
    A veiled threat perhaps?!
    Please bring it on DrNeau, I would ''love'' to be your Huckleberry.
    I will teach you some ''Hebrew exercises'', lessons are free of charge.

    Graham, so far you have seemed like a very decent person, I ask you to Please do something about this a.s.a.p. Sir.
  • Rocco wrote: »
    Graham, are you going to allow 'Compuease' a forum Moderator to post my private e-mail address information on this goddamn forum for everyone to see?!?

    I'll 2nd that posting his email address (especially since it contains his full name) isn't cool.
  • Ban both of them and send them each others email. Let them fight it out in private.

    We don't need the BS!
  • Dead Money wrote: »
    Ban both of them and send them each others email. Let them fight it out in private.

    We don't need the BS!

    I've made my last post on the subject. I'm with Milo, forget it all.
  • Just play HU for rollzz and get it over with already. Isn't that the standard poker forum equivalent of "see you in the parking lot"?
  • Just play HU for rollzz and get it over with already. Isn't that the standard poker forum equivalent of "see you in the parking lot"?

    Not good enough. If he sucks out on the river like most river rats do, then it will only anger me that much more.

    I think the feeling of flesh and bone being pummeled is much more satisfying to be honest.
  • Dead Money wrote: »
    Ban both of them and send them each others email. Let them fight it out in private.

    We don't need the BS!

    That's actually a decent idea.

  • this is truly shameful. what a sad joke this place has become.

    jeff, what were you thinking? i know you were making a point but you stepped over the line. clean up those posts and take his email and ip out. (including his idiotic post quoting you)

    drno et al, who the f*ck do you think you are? rocco may be an ahole but he hadn't stirred up any sh!t here until you showed up and started poking him. just go away .

    rocco, you are either a liar or a bit challenged. well, we know you are a liar and i'm pretty convinced now you are a bit challenged, too. if you want to start fresh, why use an obvious nick? using your own name in your email? yikes. if you don't want your info published, start by NOT quoting the post with that info. if you can add value to the forum by all means you are welcome. otherwise gtfo.

    you kids play nice now or it's straight to bed with no supper
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    this is truly shameful. what a sad joke this place has become.

    jeff, what were you thinking? i know you were making a point but you stepped over the line. clean up those posts and take his email and ip out. (including his idiotic post quoting you)

    drno et al, who the f*ck do you think you are? rocco may be an ahole but he hadn't stirred up any sh!t here until you showed up and started poking him. just go away .

    rocco, you are either a liar or a bit challenged. well, we know you are a liar and i'm pretty convinced now you are a bit challenged, too. if you want to start fresh, why use an obvious nick? using your own name in your email? yikes. if you don't want your info published, start by NOT quoting the post with that info. if you can add value to the forum by all means you are welcome. otherwise gtfo.

    you kids play nice now or it's straight to bed with no supper

    Well stated Sir. You are right.

    However, The only lie I have stated on this forum is that I was not the Og_Rocco (Which I am). And my alter ego Pattycakes.
    I did these two things to try and keep DrNeau and his HPT posse scumbags off of my fkng back, but alas it did not work. They persisted anyways.

    As far as me being a bit mentally challenged, you are probably correct, Too many hits to the head during my younger days and a brain tumor to boot. I am not as sharp as I used to be I am afraid.

    P.S. Why in the hell is my private e-mail information STILL posted on this forum!?! :rage:
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    drno et al, who the f*ck do you think you are? rocco may be an ahole but he hadn't stirred up any sh!t here until you showed up and started poking him. just go away .

    I second the motion. At least Rocco has tried to stir up some discussion on this site. He is getting a little sidetracked now with the recent posts.
  • You hear that Compuease..you got TOLD!

    If you can't put your name to it, you don't believe it strongly enough to be wasting my time with.

    Rocco, I've gotten a kick out of you but two things:

    1. Shut up more...You simply aren't interesting enough to post this much.

    2. Drop the big guns like "this is fcking bullshit" or "call an attorney" This is Canada, where pretty much everything goes. Towing that line just makes you look like another obnoxious, overbearing, American.
  • Ban both of them and send them each others email. Let them fight it out in private.

    We don't need the BS!

    Oh Dead Money.. hasn't Kristy taught you anything?
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    You hear that Compuease..you got TOLD!

    If you can't put your name to it, you don't believe it strongly enough to be wasting my time with.

    Rocco, I've gotten a kick out of you but two things:

    1. Shut up more...You simply aren't interesting enough to post this much.

    2. Drop the big guns like "this is fcking bullshit" or "call an attorney" This is Canada, where pretty much everything goes. Towing that line just makes you look like another obnoxious, overbearing, American.

    If I wanted an opinion from a harlot, I would have asked for Midnight Rose. Now kindly stfu wench.

    See how that works? You attack, I react.
    Get it? Got it? Good!
    Now go sit on a dildo or something.

    Am I banned yet?!? Anything goes in Canada right? LMFAO!
  • lol...'harlot' ...I like it.

    one question though..

    harlot Definition
    har·lot (härlət)
    Etymology: ME (< OFr, rogue, vagabond), orig. a euphemism for whore

    Why should I:
    Rocco wrote:
    go sit on a dildo or something

    Job training? I'm confused??? are all your 'reactions' going to be this stupid?

    I actually think his goal is to get banned from every poker forum...or he is a shining example of what happens in countries without our amazing support systems and supervision for the autistic.

    I suggest that we DON'T ban him, but rather those who are annoyed put him on your ignore list.
  • Rocco, your email address has been removed from the post in question. I have received a few complaints that you are sending threatening emails and this is strongly against the forum rules. This is supposed to be a place to come and talk about poker, but when people's safety is in question that takes precedence. For this reason I am banning your account for 2 weeks. If you come back and cool off then we would love to have you back, but right now I, along with many of the members, don't appreciate you threatening anyones physical safety.
  • lol now where is BBC's ban thread...
  • kristy_sea wrote: »
    lol...'harlot' ...i like it.

    One question though..

    harlot definition
    har·lot (härlət)
    etymology: Me (< ofr, rogue, vagabond), orig. A euphemism for whore

    why should i:

    Job training? I'm confused??? Are all your 'reactions' going to be this stupid?

    I actually think his goal is to get banned from every poker forum...or he is a shining example of what happens in countries without our amazing support systems and supervision for the autistic.

    i suggest that we don't ban him, but rather those who are annoyed put him on your ignore list.

  • lol now where is BBC's ban thread...

    The only physicality I ever introduced was whether certain posters physically had a brain in their heads..
  • No no the thread were you historically listed all the people banned from CPF. The last resurrection was Kristy's ban.
  • No no the thread were you historically listed all the people banned from CPF. The last resurrection was Kristy's ban

    Oh my bad.

    In servitude I present: http://www.pokerforum.ca/f12/kristy-congrats-joining-club-15058/
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