The Bristol Street 2008 GRAND FINAL - Sat., Dec 13th @2pm



  • There's only one spot left to confirm and I need to hear from Mandy asap if she'd like in. Mario is next in line for the spot if she declines. And, I assume he's in based on coming to the Wildcard.

    If anyone can contact her, please have her post here.

  • Unconfirm :(
    Family event now conflicts.
  • Im in rob..sorry ive been busy :) but im there :)
  • Mario is in. If he is in fact in that is.

  • The 18 players for the 2008 Grand Final are now set! As a reminder, play starts at 2:00pm and rules for late players are still in effect.

    If you are going to be late, let me know! If you are late, and haven't let me know, any alternates at Bristol will be seated in your place at the end of the first blind level (30 minutes into the tournament)

    Our first alternate is the "Dirty Whore" himself, so you know he's going to be rooting for you not to show. The alternate list and all other details on the tournament are on Page 1 of this thread.

    Live updates will be done via pokerform and I'm going to try to provide a feed to the tournament via Mogulus. (they recently went "Pro" and have had all kinds of issues with their free stream, so this is tentative)

    Good luck to everyone this Saturday!!
  • I might be late. Due to drunkenness.

  • does anyone mind if i bring video cameras?
  • Redington wrote: »
    does anyone mind if i bring video cameras?
    As long as that doesn't change the pants-optional clause of poker in KW.

  • g2 wrote: »
    As long as that doesn't change the pants-optional clause of poker in KW.


    umm i think it encourages it.
  • I'm sooooo excited for tomorrow
  • I'm sooooo excited for today!

  • I think I jizzed in my pants
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