Game 7

I haven't had a chance to update the spreadsheet yet...its been a crazy busy weekend, and what with Ada's 13th b'day party starting Thursday and not ending until 6pm last night, as well as a sick wife, Royal Cup, and qualifying to playin a 250K euro game yesterday, the weekend just FLEW by.

Anyway, enough excuses...Who's in this week??

1 - AJ
2 - Darryl THE FLIRT
3 - PUMP IT Garry
4 - Micheal BEATEN BY A GIRL!
5 - Don KKing
6 - Kris
7 - Allan
8 - Chris
9 - Derek
10 - Justin
11 - Steve
12 -


  • Robin Williams at Rama..... ching hill poker......

    Sorry AJ Robin Williams wins hands down. I'm in for game 8 certainly as I need to get some games in before the SET.
  • did you make out in the tourny? are you adding anything extra to the price pool this week :)
  • Joe, you do realize you would be freerolling this game with your MVP winnings, right? How can Robin beat that??

    618 100 paid out...busted out in 109. I plan on posting my last hand later tonight and see what everyone thinks. Debating if I made the right move or not.
  • in... finally
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Joe, you do realize you would be freerolling this game with your MVP winnings, right? How can Robin beat that??

    Given I"ve already paid $100 a ticket ummmmmmmmmmm EASY........

    I actually thought it was on wednesday until I picked up my tickets on Sunday. I've got Roger Hodgson tickets for friday too. Looks like a few days at Rama is in order.

    I'm sure I can free roll the next game instead.
  • I'm in...
  • Count me in
  • i will be there
  • Shaping up quite nicely...hey, Dan! Thought you were coming out too?? Let me know please.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Shaping up quite nicely...hey, Dan! Thought you were coming out too?? Let me know please.

    Oh, and for all you Bruins fans...yes, the game will be playing! :wav:
  • i might be late just blind me in
  • Can't seem to find my cut cards...must have forgotten them at Royal or something silly.

    I know its late notice, but if you have a cut card, please bring it with you.
  • After going back to back Chump, it sure feels nice to win one!

    Darryl and I played a strong headsup game. I finally got some cards after being card dead most of the night and managed to knock out Don in third spot, giving me a nice lead against Darryl. Final hand had my pocket 5's dominated by Darryl's pocket 10's, but the flop gave me a whack of outs...A42...turn was brick, but the river was sweet and gave me a 5 for the win.

    Darryl was monster stack most of the night, but he finally started getting the cards Justin and I were getting and his stack began to dwindle rapidly. Don make another third place finish again after taking out Bubble Boy Kris. Don't worry Kris, I still got the bubble suit...its all yours next week.

    Thanks for everyone coming out. Great game. Oh, and if anyone finds some cut cards somewhere, pick them up for me and I'll pay you back next game. Thanks.
  • update: Poker room +$234 for the night
    Robin Williams.... F'n Hillarious

    Quote of the day from Robin Williams: Decaf is like masterbating with an oven mitt.

    Glad to see you finally pulled one out AJ.
  • 5 players left @ 200-400...I think anyone could have won last night.

    wp AJ, you should have took it down well before the 55/1010 hand.
  • Had you on the ropes a couple of times, but you always managed to pull off a small miracle to stay alive and double up on me. One more double up, and you would have been in control of the game. Just glad that card hit for me when it did.
  • Updated Leader Board...I'll send the file to everyone shortly

    DARRYL 266.32
    KRIS 226.45
    ALLAN 211.87
    A.J. 209.08
    JUSTIN 187.07
    CHRIS 165.65
    GARRY 162.52
    DEREK 149.62
    STEVE 146.15
    MICHEAL 138.16
    DON 130.63
    ELEANOR 130.33
    JOE 72.63
    AARON 53.6
    MIKE 41.84
    RUSS 22.69
    JEFF 13
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