
So? Thousands of of CPF members (okay, 6) are dying to know the results . . . Who won? Who tanked? Was the place raided? Did Kristy kill anyone in a feminist frenzy of estrogen induced psychosis? Okay, that last one could have happened regardless of Royal Cup festivities, but you get the point, I hope . . .


  • Rocks ftw!

    I think then it was:

    Ship It! (Muskoka)
    Boo (Waterloo)

    in the other cashing positions...

    I never got sat with pink hat, but from the reports I heard from other players who did- a fight would have been pretty likely.


    Traditional Rick-Flair-off between DrTyore and TenSeven

    JohnnieH and Itsame taking man-love to a whole new level during the awards

    PokerQueen putting her team first and stripping down to distract during a vital HU match with Petesky.

    Wolfhound NOT getting drunk. WTF?!?
  • More highlights...

    TenSeven with the BYO Jager-bombs

    That every single team we stole a player from for super-tits failed to make the money (Kit-who, ching hill, fish out of water) while super-tits did!

    Reddington: "This is the hottest I've ever seen you!"
    Kristy: "Wow thanks! What a nice compliment"
    Reddington: "Yeah, you know I've never really thought of you as a girl before."


    Babyfest with Michelle, Miranda/Sandro, JohnnieH/Wraychel all expecting..and the Elliots missing.

    Busting out absolute first in Limit poker...fuck that game.
  • Since I had to work I didn't stay till the end. Kristy was across from me for maybe 10 minutes during limit poker. I have never seen anyone burn through 5K in chips during a 25/50 blind level. It's too bad because Kristy looked hot and I would have loved her to stay longer at the table.
  • Ching Hill didn't chump...that's the highlight!! I think overall we were 7th. Just to let you know how badly we all played...Acid Joe won the team MVP $$ :(

    Other highlights...Wolffie learned the unbeatable power of 57s. He has a lot of questions to ask about CHP poker and how WE play the game. Darryl got hit on by a car full of KW girlies as we were walking back to the car. And Garry's newest catch phrase for his wife now is PUMP IT!!
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »

    Wolfhound NOT getting drunk. WTF?!?


    Still seems like a Twilight Zone episode as I think about it. Wally must wield some kind of crazy power over him.
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    I have never seen anyone burn through 5K in chips during a 25/50 blind level. It's too bad because Kristy looked hot and I would have loved her to stay longer at the table.

    HEY! I made it to the 100/200..and I looked adorable passed out in the corner with Johnnie H after we busted! ;)
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    More highlights...

    Babyfest with Michelle, Miranda/Sandro, JohnnieH/Wraychel all expecting..and the Elliots missing.

    Busting out absolute first in Limit poker...fuck that game.

    and Big Mike and his wife also expecting from our team.

    Beating Dennis (Denise) from your team headsup in the limit game. Limit rocks.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    HEY! I made it to the 100/200..and I looked adorable passed out in the corner with Johnnie H after we busted! ;)

    Really you lasted that long???? I"m sure I walked you to my table then you left. If it was really 100/200 then I shoulda payed more attention.

    And yes after you busted you did look adorable in the corner with Johnie but unfortunately I didn't have a camera to capture that moment.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Ching Hill didn't chump...that's the highlight!! I think overall we were 7th. Just to let you know how badly we all played...Acid Joe won the team MVP $$ :(

    I won MVP obviously cuz I played good just to impress Easy and Kristy cuz they were the hot chicks at the tables I played at. I actually could have placed even better but unfortunately getting in ahead doesn't mean $HIT at the Royal. If they stopped after 6 cards in 7 card stud I was gold after getting all in after the first 3 were dropped.
  • Kristy_Sea wrote: »
    More highlights...

    TenSeven with the BYO Jager-bombs

    That every single team we stole a player from for super-tits failed to make the money (Kit-who, ching hill, fish out of water) while super-tits did!

    Reddington: "This is the hottest I've ever seen you!"
    Kristy: "Wow thanks! What a nice compliment"
    Reddington: "Yeah, you know I've never really thought of you as a girl before."


    Babyfest with Michelle, Miranda/Sandro, JohnnieH/Wraychel all expecting..and the Elliots missing.

    Busting out absolute first in Limit poker...fuck that game.

    You forgot the biggest highlight of the day...J8 soooooted.

    Also enjoyed giving some lessons in flipaments. My personal favourite was when my Q2>QJ>Q9>Q8. Still not sure how Tyson's AA held up 13 ways though
  • first time out to the royal cup. had a great time. be back next time.
  • Who did you play for?
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    [I actually could have placed even better but unfortunately getting in ahead doesn't mean $HIT at the Royal. If they stopped after 6 cards in 7 card stud I was gold after getting all in after the first 3 were dropped.

    True dat. We'll have to set up a game of 6 card stud for you next time. ;)

    Be afraid of the guy with fours and a short stack.
  • fish [got blown] out of water had a tough day
  • pkrfce9 wrote: »
    fish [got blown] out of water had a tough day
    Wat, I was busy in a family get-together and the :fish: didn't make it to the money for the first time ever in Royal Cup history?! To quote Donald Trump,
    "YOU'RE ALL FIRED!!!" ;)
  • they lost you, Sandy and Al...they never had a chance... I'd put an emoticon in now...but I'm being dead serious. Picking up Greg doesn't replace all of them.
  • Hey it was a very rough day for the whole team, Buddy you cant fire me. you quit remember!!!!!!!!


    Kristy was looking very hot! Missed hearing Mein furher though.

    Mark lost the flair off again...come on bring some game!!!!!

    BYO Jagerbombs - cant believe i never thought of that before, that will be the new fish tradition.

    Seriously, already plotting for RC 7!!!!!

    Had an awesome time, hey kristy will you marry me?
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