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Brantford Bingo

Hi All,

This is my first posting but hopefully not my last.

Just a question. I had never paid live, just online. So i went to Brantford, it's about an hour away.

Play the 2/5 table which is the lowest.

Well, i played pretty good cards only, mainly A to 9 and some pairs.

Well......seems like EVERY hand there at least 7 people to see the flop.
Made it almost impossible to win anything worthwhile for the time spent there. people with 35 would see a flop of 55T etc.

my question.....

If i move up to the 5/10 table:

do less people get to see the flop?
are the blinds BB=5 SB=2?

funny thing is.......about 3 hours tin, an old lady sits in and say "this is cheaper than playing the slots"

Thanks for the help!



  • Two undisputable facts:

    The 5-10 small blind at Brantford is $2.50.

    Playing poker against opponents who are making a lot of mistakes is a good thing.

  • Generally the lowest table, be it 2/5 or the 5/10 at the casino is a bingo.

    I found that playing at the 5/10 when there is a 2/5 table available stops the bingo to some extent.

    It is hard to play properly when everyone is in the flop. If you are not ready for the stakes of 5/10 try to play different types of hands.

    I have found that suited connectors and small pairs work well in the 2/5 game. If you have no chance of a sraight, flush or have not flopped a set, leave.

    Good luck.
  • Thanks guys.

    I was just kind frustrating, that's all.

    at the 5/10 then, would $200 be adequate to sit in with?



    p.s. they said today that they expect the tourny to sell out in less than three hours with people lining up at 6. thanks again
  • While what Dead Money says is true, I'm finding the play getting wilder and wilder at larger levels ...

    I've been finding the 10/20 at Brantford is just as loose as 5/10 ... not that that's a bad thing! :) (although it's often frustrating)

    Last week, for example, a 10/20 pot was $815 ... capped pre-flop by 8 (!!), capped on the flop by 4, capped on the turn by 3 ... luckily (I think), I was one of the two who didn't see the flop.

    macbb :canada:
  • Drakestar,

    While $100 is the *minimum* buy-in for 5/10, I buy-in with at least $200 (usually at least $500 for 10/20), which is less than many on this forum will recommend.

    macbb :canada:

    P.S. Guess I'll take Thursday off work, and head to Brantford ... if anyone else is going, let me know, and maybe we can meet up ... I'll probably stay for the day, and play some 10/20 (or 5/10, depending on the wait).
  • I am thinking of going on thursday moring to sign up for the big tournament. 250 buy in.
  • It is hard to play properly when everyone is in the flop.

    Why? It seems like its easier. You only continue in a hand when you have the pot odds. I dont think poker can get anymore straightforward.
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