Canadian online poker rooms?

Are there any Canadian online poker rooms...the exchange rate is too harsh for me too play online at say partypoker.


  • sorry clicked wrong tab.. this is in the wrong forum sorry
  • the dollars good know. play smart and you'll be glad its in american dollars
  • Interesting point....I assume each room has it's own exchange rate. Does anyone know if this information is posted anywhere? Does anyone know whether UB or Pokerstars has a better rate? Indifferent? Thanks!
  • I missed the boat (i think)'s neteller that gives you the exchange rate?
  • Dude, the canadian dollar is like 82 cents to the US and I hear rumours it's going to keep going up... So you arent getting killed like you used to making the CAN -> USD exchange.
  • Why does it matter what the exchange rate is? Your not buying anything, your wajoring.
  • I actually thought about this before in reference to the Poker Forum Tournament's on Pokerstars. I was wondering if Pokerstars would be able to make the buy-in in Canadian dollars since the tournament is for Canada's Poker Forum. Obviously it wouldn't matter, it would be more of a cool novelty thing.

  • the reason it sucks to exchange is, im only twenty my job sucks, and im going back to school in january.
    But i still love to play poker soo i guess it has to be done
  • checknraise is based out of Toronto. [bonus code deleted]
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